Military ranks of North Point
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This is a listing of the military ranks of the North Point Security Forces.
Rank code | North Point Army, North Point Guard Force | North Point Flying Corps | North Point Sea Command |
O-11 | Field Marshal (FMR) | Air Marshal (AMR) | Fleet Admiral (FADM) |
O-10 | General (GEN) | General (GEN) | Admiral (ADM) |
O-9 | Lieutenant-General (LTG) | Lieutenant-General (LTG) | Vice-Admiral (VADM) |
O-8 | Major-General (MGEN) | Major-General (MGEN) | Rear-Admiral (RADM) |
O-7 | Brigadier-General (BGEN) | Brigadier-General (BGEN) | Commodore (CDRE) |
O-6 | Colonel (COL) | Group Captain (GCPT) | Captain (CPT) |
O-5 | Lieutenant-Colonel (LTC) | Wing Commander (WCDR) | Commander (CDR) |
O-4 | Major (MAJ) | Squadron Leader (SQLDR) | Lieutenant-Commander (LCDR) |
O-3 | Captain (CPT) | Flight Lieutenant (FLT) | Lieutenant (LT) |
O-2 | Lieutenant (LT) | Flying Officer (FLO) | Lieutenant, Junior Grade (LTJG) |
O-1 | Second-Lieutenant (2LT) | Pilot Officer (PO) | Ensign (ENS) |
Student Officer | Officer Candidate (OC) | Cadet (CDT) | Midshipman (MIDN) |