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Re: HMCS Annapolis - 1996
Posted: February 20th, 2014, 3:17 pm
by acelanceloet
BCRenown wrote:I'm sorry acelanceloet, but I have to disagree.
If it looks like that in real life, why do it any different in the drawing? After all, isn't the whole idea to capture the essence of the ship?
because it looks like that due to the light. and the fun thing is, with light, we can angle it different and represent it different for our drawing
the point of sb is representing the ship as an technical thing, not an as realistic as possible art piece of it
that said, there is something to be said about darkening the shaded area underneath overhangs. I only say there is something to be said against it as well, so there is not an 'too dark' or 'not dark enough' compared to pictures, but there is an point where it is going to distract from the details underneath or from the rest of the drawing
Re: HMCS Annapolis - 1996
Posted: February 20th, 2014, 6:29 pm
by bezobrazov
ace, I, too, have to disagree. To me it looks as a very natural hue of the hull color, sans proper light. I'd say, keep it that way.
On that note, BCRenown, since I did the updates and/or redrawings of the Tribal-class and the Towns, I should better try and update them with your excellent hues of grey. Can you provide me with those, perchance?
Re: HMCS Annapolis - 1996
Posted: February 20th, 2014, 6:35 pm
by Thiel
bezobrazov wrote:ace, I, too, have to disagree. To me it looks as a very natural hue of the hull color, sans proper light. I'd say, keep it that way.
On that note, BCRenown, since I did the updates and/or redrawings of the Tribal-class and the Towns, I should better try and update them with your excellent hues of grey. Can you provide me with those, perchance?
Problem is it only works in very bright and direct light while as far as I can determine SB ships are drawn in much more neutral and diffuse lighting conditions. Not to mention that judging by the whites in that picture the entire thing is slightly blued.
Re: HMCS Annapolis - 1996
Posted: February 20th, 2014, 6:47 pm
by Gollevainen
Only thing that is actually "against" SB in that drawing is the gradient shading at the point where the superstructure starts anglies back to the hull's line after the bridge. Otherwise this is nicely "adventorous" way of seeing how far SB shading can be taken.
Re: HMCS Annapolis - 1996
Posted: February 22nd, 2014, 9:24 am
by Hood
Looks good to me. Shading is a thorny issue, but I see nothing wrong here, perhaps a tad overkill on the dark shade but if real life photos show that depth of shadow is possible then there this surely reflects real-life as much as any pixel drawing can.
Re: HMCS Annapolis - 1996
Posted: February 22nd, 2014, 4:00 pm
by Rainmaker
Very pleased to see this! A great rendition - I had thought about trying my hand at these a while back but never accomplished much with it! The rounded hull and curved bridge are hard to capture but you've done well representing it! Any chance of seeing related classes (St. Laurent, Restigouche, and Mackenzie classes) in the future?
Re: HMCS Annapolis - 1996
Posted: February 22nd, 2014, 6:26 pm
by Bombhead
Nice one BC and I rather like the colours used and the shading too.
Re: HMCS Annapolis - 1996
Posted: February 23rd, 2014, 2:29 pm
by Weisman
Bombhead wrote:Nice one BC and I rather like the colours used and the shading too.
I agree.
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