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Re: M-frigate development

Posted: May 17th, 2011, 8:06 pm
by acelanceloet
IMO, that would look real bad.... I could remove the 'outher' ones maybe, but I think it is better as it is.... any comments on the ship?

Re: M-frigate development

Posted: May 17th, 2011, 8:33 pm
by Mitchell van Os
Thiel wrote:Brackets within brackets are not a winning solution.
Mooring rings? Or?

Re: M-frigate development

Posted: May 17th, 2011, 8:36 pm
by acelanceloet
no he means 'haakjes' around the description. I misunderstood that at first too :)

Re: M-frigate development

Posted: June 30th, 2011, 9:51 pm
by acelanceloet
this is the 1987 concept. close to the final one, as you can see. found refs for this one recently, and I hope to be able to start on the ones I gave to mitch soon too.

Re: M-frigate development

Posted: July 1st, 2011, 9:42 am
by acelanceloet
and the concept just before this one....

Re: M-frigate development

Posted: July 1st, 2011, 3:46 pm
by Thiel
How about mentioning which concept is which on the drawing?

Re: M-frigate development

Posted: July 1st, 2011, 3:51 pm
by acelanceloet
well, the fact is that I have no data about that. they were both in the same publication, of 1987, while the one with the Mk 29 is of course earlier. so I could do the same with the drawings as I did with the names (one 1987 and one 1986) but I am not even sure of that.

Re: M-frigate development

Posted: July 25th, 2011, 5:21 pm
by Gollevainen
I would like to remind all people about this little moderation I did while back ago

Now, I was pretty clear. Mitchell's worklist is MINE now. Anybody wanting to get stuff out of it, has to ask permission for it from Me. This will be last time I do friendly warning over the matter. Next time the banhammer will fall.

The air of this forum has been poisened allready too much by the arguing of ace and mitchell. Banning one of you should have solved the proplem. I seriously Do not want to return to these issues any more, but If I do, it will be the last time. Now get back drawing stuff, not claiming someone else's work just to get back at them in personal level.

Re: M-frigate development

Posted: September 29th, 2011, 10:38 am
by acelanceloet
I was looking around in the archive, and I found this ship...
anybody has any intel about it, as it seems to have some major flaws (most notably, all CIWS arnament up front and the lack of directors)
so I am wondering were this proposal comes from, as I can't find anything about it.

Re: M-frigate development

Posted: September 30th, 2011, 12:32 am
by DER386
acelanceloet wrote:I was looking around in the archive, and I found this ship...
anybody has any intel about it, as it seems to have some major flaws (most notably, all CIWS arnament up front and the lack of directors)
so I am wondering were this proposal comes from, as I can't find anything about it.
It looks like the "M" class design mated with the OHP class