Future challenge ideas/suggestions

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Re: Future challenge ideas/suggestions

#231 Post by Corp »

WesleyWestland wrote: March 28th, 2022, 2:29 pm Hello, I have a few more ideas:
- Shipbucket scale early ICBM/orbital launch vehicle challenge (or ideally both, an ICBM-derived launch vehicle).
Dittoing a Launch Vehicle Challenge. We're overdue for a space bucket challenge.
MihoshiK wrote: April 1st, 2022, 9:12 am
Rob2012 wrote: March 31st, 2022, 11:01 pm What about catamaran and trimaran type ships? Say dating back as far as the 19th century. I mean Robert Fulton designed a catamaran floating battery before the War of 1812, to defend New York harbor.which was built.
Not bad either.

Maybe just a general "unusual hull forms" warship challenge? SWATH, catamaran, trimaran, pentamaran, hydrofoil, hovercraft, etc. as long as the hydrodynamic lift does not rely one one single hull?

I would allow people to go nuts :D
I agree with an unconventional hull form challenge.
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Re: Future challenge ideas/suggestions

#232 Post by rifleman2 »

operation corporate 1982 the British task force

I know many of the Royal Navy vessels have been covered. How about some of the RFA's and STUFT (Ships taken up from trade) I know Atlantic Conveyor has been done but ships like MV Elk or Europic Ferry
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Re: Future challenge ideas/suggestions

#233 Post by Bevillia »

Fictional Coast Guard Vehicle Challenge - a vehicle operated by a fictional Coast Guard (or similar maritime security/search and rescue/law enforcement service).

Deliberately vague on what kind of vehicle it could be; anywhere from a Patrol Cutter or an Icebreaker to a Motor Boat or Airboat to a Fixed or Rotary wing aircraft to a Ground Transport or other Land Vehicle, with a challenge this wide just about any kind of vehicle could work as long as the person drawing it could make a good background for why it was operated by their Coast Guard.

Could work as anywhere from SB to SoBu scale, and indeed could be most interesting with a non-specified scale (or multiple specified scales) to allow people to go wild with what vehicle they wanted to draw for. If a single scale was needed, FD Scale would probably work best, being an appropriate size for most vehicles operated by RL coast guards.
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Re: Future challenge ideas/suggestions

#234 Post by Aiseus »

Alright! New set of hyperfixations so new suggestions.

-Soldierbucket armor or historical soldiers. I've done pike and shot infantry, and I think that exploring the approach of different cultures to a general standard (as square formations were generally superior for infantry in pitched battles for the longest time) and the routes they took to get to that organized level could be interesting. Plus unlike with modern soldiers armor and historical soldiers are a lot more distinctive.

-Gunbucket swords or melee weapons. I've already suggested this and I'll hyuckin' do it again. I love spears, swords, pikes, all manner of melee weapons, and I think we should have more in this scale. That's my reasoning.

-Sailing ships in SB, particularly raiders or other piratical vessels like galleys. Sailing ships can be a pain but they're immensely satisfying and can be done exceptionally well, plus we don't have enough in SB.

-A particular person or lineage of nobles/politicians/monarchs/important figures in people's AUs in Soldierbucket. I think that the scale can be used extremely well to make unique people with personality and that the scale has advanced immensely since it was first created. I want to see people's design aesthetics: the cultural inspirations for their AU, how the artist represents the particular person's uniqueness whether by posing or expression, how the artist represents complex shapes as far as clothing goes like with dresses or robes which aren't usually drawn in this scale, etc.
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Re: Future challenge ideas/suggestions

#235 Post by nighthunter »

I second the Coast Guard Suggestion, but allow Real World Coast Guards with "fictional"/Modified Real world vessels
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Re: Future challenge ideas/suggestions

#236 Post by CaptainPaulov »

Future Challenge Idea: design the 21st Century aircraft carriers of the East Asia/Pacific theater.

Given that:
1. People's Republic of China, Japan and S. Koreas rise in relevance in the global political and economic spheres,
2. the challenging of the current status quo of world powers that this rise poses,
3. the challenging of the military power balance that it means in the Pacific Ocean and "inner" Seas,
4. and that aircraft carriers are currently considered the centerpiece for power projection of any modern navy;
It stands to reason that these nations would all want to comission aircraft carriers for their navies to project power and extend their militaryreach into the strategic Seas and Ocean that sorround them.

For example:
1. US, Japan, the Republic of China and South Korea would deploy aircraft carriers (including subtypes) to project their military power into the Philippine Sea, South China Sea, maybe the East China Sea and out into the Pacific Ocean to shadow the People's Republic of China navy battlegroups and submarines;
2. Or the People's Republic of China navy deploying carriers to the same areas as stated in the previous point, for the same reason as the previous nations; as well as to break the "encirclement" to protect its navys* access to the Pacific Ocean and challenge US supremacy over the Pacific Ocean.

So the Future Challenge Idea would be to design the 21st Century aircraft carriers of the East Asia/Pacific theater.

Stands to reason that CVs and CVNs would not be the only options, as many nations today around the world are betting on DDHs, CVLs, LHAs, LHDs and LPHs for Sea Control due to their great versatiliy (like Japan's 2 near-future F-35 carrying helicopter destroyers, Spain's Juan Carlos 1º LHD or the USN USS Bonhomme Richard Sea Control LHD).
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Re: Future challenge ideas/suggestions

#237 Post by Muscatatuck »

Don't recall if I posted it before, if so I'll do it again:

SuperProps, the best thorough bread races horse of air dominance :D
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Re: Future challenge ideas/suggestions

#238 Post by td_07 »

CaptainPaulov wrote: June 2nd, 2022, 5:22 pm Future Challenge Idea: design the 21st Century aircraft carriers of the East Asia/Pacific theater.
On this front, I would like to propose a challenge for a tangentially-related "advanced air defence ship", calling for sophisticated warships that take centre-stage in near future which are expected not only to manage current air and missile threats, but also tackle future threats (particularly hypersonic) to protect their task force/carrier strike group etc; price is no object, protection now is.

Pretty much the logical development from the "Post-Cold War Large Surface Combatant" Challenge; effectively, minus the peace dividend optimism plus the burgeoning reality of a peer conflict.
Last edited by td_07 on October 21st, 2022, 3:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Future challenge ideas/suggestions

#239 Post by BvonTeapot »

I think an interesting challenge could be something along the lines of:

Late WWI/Early-Mid 20s Strategic Heavy Bomber, with a significant range and bombload.

Would be cool to see the whacky designs that could come out of that!
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Re: Future challenge ideas/suggestions

#240 Post by Just A CF-18 Here »


AA Cruiser
Hybrid BattleshipCarriers
Helicopter Carrier
WW1 British Pre/Dreadnought (1905-1915)


AWACs Aicraft
Cold War SPAA
Float/Recon plane
Last edited by Just A CF-18 Here on August 19th, 2022, 11:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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