Incorrectly Placed Images

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Re: Incorrectly Placed Images

#131 Post by Radome »

found another
title Greece - Royal odyssey
image says Norway - Royal Viking sea
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Re: Incorrectly Placed Images

#132 Post by eswube »

Seems that mostly the mega-entries are the problem (not that it's any excuse for me :roll: )

Are You going to check all of them?
I mean, I hope You will (but it's 9400+ SB drawings, so I can perfectly well understand if You wouldn't). :D
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Re: Incorrectly Placed Images

#133 Post by Skimbo »

Here is the french destroyer Guépard
it is labelled as being of the vauquelin class, but it was actually the lead ship of the earlier Guépard class.
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Re: Incorrectly Placed Images

#134 Post by darthpanda »

Hi, I think this one is incorrectly placed:
She is kwang Yi and not Zhenyuan
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Re: Incorrectly Placed Images

#135 Post by Radome »
Says in the title Birka Queen
but shows Royal Viking Sky
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Re: Incorrectly Placed Images

#136 Post by eswube »

Fixed. As always, thank You for your vigilance, and sorry for errors.
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Re: Incorrectly Placed Images

#137 Post by Radome »

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Re: Incorrectly Placed Images

#138 Post by Radome »

Foudre (tender) and Foudre (Seaplane carrier) is the same picture:
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Re: Incorrectly Placed Images

#139 Post by reytuerto »

Good evening.

I had a question about where to place a new drawing, but thera are some issues:
1. The best place, is the topic, "Fishing vessels". But the topic is without any posting since 2016.
2. The fishing vessel done is not a small boat, is nearly 50 mts, so I don´t know if it qualifiies for the topic "Small boats".
I am completely open to your suggestions. Cheers.
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Re: Incorrectly Placed Images

#140 Post by heuhen »

reytuerto wrote: April 8th, 2024, 2:24 am Good evening.

I had a question about where to place a new drawing, but thera are some issues:
1. The best place, is the topic, "Fishing vessels". But the topic is without any posting since 2016.
2. The fishing vessel done is not a small boat, is nearly 50 mts, so I don´t know if it qualifiies for the topic "Small boats".
I am completely open to your suggestions. Cheers.
1. I don't see a problem with that the topic is old, although we do see it as a problem when someone comment on a very old post. But you can also start a new topic, it is no one that stop you from that.
2. If it's a Fishing Vessel, post it as an or under "fishing vessel" topic. 50m is a ship.
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