Category:Second World War Aircraft Carrier Challenge

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The Second World War Aircraft Carrier Challenge was an Shiipbucket Scale challenge held in 2020. It was set up by Kiwi Imperialist

Original thread:

Welcome to the Second World War aircraft carrier challenge. Participants are asked to draw a fictional aircraft carrier that would have been in active service at some point between 1 September 1939 and 2 September 1945. It could belong to a great power, a neutral nation, or a country in an alternate universe where there is no conflict comparable to the Second World War. Due to the complexity and size of an aircraft carrier, this challenge will run for two months instead of one. A mini-challenge will be announced after the first month for those not interested in drawing an aircraft carrier. This will be less labour-intensive than a normal challenge, so that those still working on an aircraft carrier may participate. Please read the challenge rules relating to submissions and drawings.

Design Requirements

   Your submission must depict an aircraft carrier. That is, a ship designed to launch and recover aircraft.
   At least one image should show the aircraft carrier as it appeared in active service between 1 September 1939 and 2 September 1945.
   The aircraft carrier should have at least one flight deck capable of launching and recovering aircraft.

Challenge Rules

   Each participant may submit one or two images.
   The image should be a Shipbucket template modified to include the participant’s art. Templates which include a data sheet are allowed.
   One right-facing side view of the participant's ship must be included in each image. Three other views of the same ship at the same point in time are allowed in the same image.
   A textual description accompanying each submission is allowed, but not necessary.
   Off-topic posts will be reported to the relevant authorities.
   All art should be in Shipbucket scale.

This challenge will run until the 15th of August, ending at 23:59 UTC-12 (International Date Line West).

A poll will be held after this date. Members of the Shipbucket community will have an opportunity to score, on a scale of 1 to 10, each submission in three categories. Veterans of past challenges will note that one category is missing. We have removed 'suitability' in an effort to improve the system. These changes are provisional and different categories may appear before the end of the challenge. If you have any suggestions, feel free to post them here. The current categories are as follows:

   Drawing Quality - The overall quality of the drawing. One might consider detailing, shading, and accuracy.
   Design Realism - How realistic is the design presented? Any accompanying text may be considered.
   Originality - Does the submission present a new and unique design, or is it a copy of an existing one?

Please attempt to provide an honest evaluation of each participant's submission. Some people put a lot of effort into these challenges, so avoid using a 1 when a higher score is more appropriate. Poll responses which favour a small group of entries with maximum scores in all categories and provide minimum scores to all other entries will be excluded from the final results.

Media in category "Second World War Aircraft Carrier Challenge"

The following 20 files are in this category, out of 20 total.