120mm/50 Bofors M1950

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12cm50 M1950 Bofors.png


The M1950 was developed during the 1940's as an intermediate weapon between the 152mm and 57mm guns. The mounting was first shown to the public in 1950 and were operationally used by the Royal Netherlands Navy from 1954 onwards and by the Swedish navy from 1955 onwards. The British Royal Navy inspected one in 1953, but rejected it because it was too heavy, too noisy and not gas- or flash-tight.

2 of the mountings, initially placed on board in the 1950's, were reused on the two Dutch Tromp class frigates build in 1975. Because of that, the last of this gun type was not decommissioned before 2001. at that time, it was even proposed for the Dutch LCF frigates, which were commissioned in 2002. In these plans the guns were considered only good enough to serve against surface targets. This plan was however not carried out.

Used on

Affiliated systems

Part description

The part is drawn both with only the on deck mounting (left and right view) and with the belowdeck parts.

See also
