Slovetinian Royal Air Force

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Slovetinian Royal Air Force
Königliche Slowetinische Luftwaffe
Founded 13 April 1924
Type Air force
Role Aerial warfare
Size Approximately 12,300 Active military personnel (2019)
Part of Slovetinian Armed Forces
Motto(s) Flying High To Defend The Nation (Latin: Fugiens Princeps Defendere Gentem)
March Fliegermarsch
Roundel SlovetinianRoundelColor.png SlovetinianRoundelLowVis.png
Aircraft flown
Bomber B-31A
Fighter Lockheed Martin F-16C Block 52+
ReconnaissanceEmbraer R-99A, Alenia EC-27 Jedi
TransportLockheed C-130 Hercules, King Air 200, C404 Titan Courier, TU206E, 747SP-SL2, LJ45XR, H145M, AS532 UL/AL, 414EPI

The Slovetinian Royal Air Force (de: Königliche Slowetinische Luftwaffe) is the aerial warfare branch of the Slovetinian Armed Forces. It was created by order of the Ministry of Defense on 13 April 1924 combining the Slovetinian Royal Army Aviation branches into one stand-alone branch.