Dubs & Hughes

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 Dubs is actually spelt Dübs, with an umlaut U, but for ease of linking on the Wiki, it is referred to as Dubs.

Dübs and Hughes is a locomotive and power systems manufacturer located in Seiskin, Salide. The company was created by a merger of the Salidan branch of Glaswegian locomotive builder Dübs, and the machinery works of Seiskin based Hughes' Sons, in 1882. (Dübs Glasgow - 1863, Dübs Seiskin - 1876, Hughes' Sons - 1844).

Dübs and Hughes is considered the premier locomotive and large engine builder of Salide. It was the number one exporter of locmotives for both Salidan and non-Salidan colonial railways between 1882 and 1941.

Dübs and Hughes was responsible for building boilers and turbines for ships and large power plants. This division eventually split to Dübs & Hughes Energia, focused on power plant and power transmission systems.

With the advent of large diesel engines, a new division of the company was renamed to Dübs & Hughes Motors.

Today, the company has focused its core business to specialty machining work. However, its heavy propulsion and energia divisions are still active, building engines and turbines for ships and stationary applications and building renewable energy power plants, with focus on wind, hydro, and solar power.