C-7 Catapult
The C Mk 7 was an catapult originally intended for powder operation but was redesigned as a steam catapult. It's capacity was 40000 pounds at 171 mph (148.1 knots) or 70000 pounds at 133 mph (116 knots). As developed the unit used 500 psi steam as was available in the plant of the Forrestal class, but a later version using 1200 psi was developed. The stroke of the catapult was 250 to 275 feet, depending on exact installation.
Used on
- CVA-59 Forrestal (bow catapults)
- CVA-60 Saratoga (bow catapults)
- CVA-61 Ranger
- CVA-62 Independence
Affiliated systems
early telescopic jet blast deflectors
The jet blast deflector arrangement changed over the lifetime of the C-7 catapult. Before 1962, at least some of the C-7 catapult had these early jet blast deflectors. They were replaced by wider ones in later refits as jet aircraft with more then one engine came into service. In the image, they are shown in sideview, front view and back view, as well a plan view with different deck markings. These JBD's are symmetrical in the sideview (so can be mirrored without issues)
Part description
The part shows the top view of the component. As these were recessed in the deck, they are not visible in the sideview. Arrangements of holdback area and jet blast deflector may change depending on timeframe of the installation and intended airwing.