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(Updated Second World War heavy bomber challenge section to include winner.)
m (Added Modern Auxiliary Challenge)
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=Shipbucket Scale Challenges=
=Shipbucket Scale Challenges=
==Modern Auxiliary Challenge==
In this challenge, held in June 2021, the requirement was to draw a modern (2021 in service date) naval Auxiliary ship.
[http://shipbucket.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=10181 Thread]
==River Gunboat and Monitor Challenge==
==River Gunboat and Monitor Challenge==
In this challenge, held in April 2021, the requirement was to draw an river monitor or gunboat with an draft of less then 5 metres and operate primarely on rivers.  
In this challenge, held in April 2021, the requirement was to draw an river monitor or gunboat with an draft of less then 5 metres and operate primarely on rivers.  
[http://shipbucket.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=10181 Thread]
[http://shipbucket.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=10250 Thread]
Rodondo won the challenge with their entry HCMPS 'Waratah'.
Rodondo won the challenge with their entry HCMPS 'Waratah'.

Revision as of 21:21, 1 June 2021

This page gives an overview of the various official Shipbucket challenges and their respective entries (so far as they are on the Shipbucket Wiki)

Shipbucket Scale Challenges

Modern Auxiliary Challenge

In this challenge, held in June 2021, the requirement was to draw a modern (2021 in service date) naval Auxiliary ship. Thread

River Gunboat and Monitor Challenge

In this challenge, held in April 2021, the requirement was to draw an river monitor or gunboat with an draft of less then 5 metres and operate primarely on rivers. Thread

Rodondo won the challenge with their entry HCMPS 'Waratah'.

HMCPS Waratah (Rodondo).png

<categorygallery cat="River Gunboat and Monitor Challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

The Iron-Clad Menace

Thread The challenge was won by Charguizards 'Reuzenpissebed'

Rep. Sch. Reuzenpissebed (Charguizard).png <categorygallery cat="The Iron-Clad Menace" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

Second World War Destroyer Escort Challenge

Welcome to the Second World War destroyer escort challenge! For those unaware, the United States built several hundred destroyer escorts during the Second World War. These valiant vessels escorted merchant convoys during the Battle of the Atlantic and saw extensive service elsewhere. USS Samuel B. Roberts, for example, was sunk during the famed confrontation between Taffy 3 and Admiral Kurita's Centre Force. Other navies built equivalent types, such as the frigates of the Royal Navy or the Imperial Japanese Navy's kaibōkan. In this challenge, participants are asked to draw a fictional destroyer escort that could have existed during the Second World War period (1 September 1939 to 2 September 1945). The destroyer escort does not have to participate in the Second World War, or even belong to a real-life nation. It only needs to conform to the given time frame. As a destroyer escort is a smaller ship, this challenge is a perfect opportunity for new members and FD scale artists to explore SB scale. I hope we will see many excellent entries over the coming month.

Design Requirements

  • Your submission must depict a destroyer escort - a ship designed to escort merchant convoys at sea - or an equivalent type (e.g. frigate, kaibōkan, geleitboot).
  • The included drawing should depict the ship on a specific date between 1 September 1939 and 2 September 1945.
  • Maximum design speed of the ship must not exceed 28 knots (52 km/h, 32 mph).
  • The ship should possess anti-submarine warfare equipment.

The challenge was judged by community poll. It was won by Kiwi Imperialist.

Tsimanampetsotsa (Kiwi Imperialist).png

Thread <categorygallery cat="Second World War Destroyer Escort Challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

First World War Battlecruiser Challenge

In this challenge, held in september 2020, the requirement was to draw an WW1 battlecruiser.

The challenge was won by GarlicDesign's LT Comhcheangal.

BC Comhcheangal new-camo.png

Thread <categorygallery cat="First World War Battlecruiser Challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

Second World War Aircraft Carrier Challenge

The goal of this challenge was to draw an fictional aircraft carrier operational in WW2. It ran in July and August 2020.


The challenge was won by BB1987's Tobiuo class.

KnK Tobiuo 1942 BB1987.png

<categorygallery cat="Second World War Aircraft Carrier Challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

Post-Cold War Large Surface Combatant Challenge

The goal of this challenge, held in April 2020, was to draw an large surface combatant (destroyer or cruiser) comissioned between 1990 and 2020.

The challenge was won by MitcheLL300s Conqueror

Independence Class Conqueror 2019 MitcheLL300.png

Thread <categorygallery cat="Post-Cold War Large Surface Combatant Challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

"Harrier Carrier" challenge

This challenge was held in September 2019. The goal was a drawing of a "Harrier Carrier" - a ship able to launch and recover VTOL "jump jets".


The challenge was won by Charguizards Kaapstad LPH. Kaapstad LPH Charguizard.png

<categorygallery cat="'Harrier Carrier' challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

The Last Pre-dreadnought battleship Challenge

The goal of this challenge was to design and draw your nations Last pre-dreadnought type of battleship, eq ship that does not have uniform main-battery, nor turbine propulsion.

This challenge was won by BB1987s drawing of the battleship Ketsui.

KnK Ketsui 1907 BB1987.png

Thread <categorygallery cat="The Last Pre-dreadnought battleship Challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

London treaty Gunboat Challenge

The goal in this challenge was to build a London Naval Treaty gunboat. That meant that it could not have guns above 155mm calibre, not more then 4 guns above 76mm calibre, not launch torpedo's and not go faster then 20 knots.

This challenge was won by Trainspites MMS Magnus

MMS Magnus 1940 Trainspite.png

Thread <categorygallery cat="London treaty Gunboat Challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

Real life challenge

Thread The results from the Real Life challenge can be found on the Shipbucket main site. The Real Life challenge was won by Gollevainen's R33 Vikramaditya.

Nuclear attack sub challenge

This challenge was held in March 2019. The goal was to draw an nuclear attack submarine of any era.

The challenge was won by Blackbucks Artamis class

TG Artamís Class SSN Blackbuck.png

Thread <categorygallery cat="Nuclear attack sub challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

Postwar Gun Cruiser Challenge

This challenge was held in March 2019 and was won by Garlicdesign's Neptune class

CL Neptune 1950.png

Thread <categorygallery cat="Postwar Gun Cruiser Challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

Ocean liner challenge

The Ocean Liner challenge was held in januari 2019 and set up and judged by armoured man. Thread

The challenge was won by acelanceloets Nieuw Amsterdam

Streamlined SS Nieuw Amsterdam 1937.png <categorygallery cat="Ocean liner challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

Typhon Challenge

The Typhon Challenge was a challenge organised by Mihoshik in November 2018. The goal was to to design a 1970s, early 80s era warship armed with the Typhon series of missiles.


The challenge was judged by a panel made up of Colosseum, MihoshiK, Gollevainen and Hood. The winner was Erik_T's CGN-36 'TyBeach'. CGN-36 Tybeach.png <categorygallery cat="Typhon Challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

Early Cold War Destroyer challenge

Thread In this challenge in 2018, the requirement was the design of an 'early Cold War' destroyer that was in service between 1950 and 1960.

This challenge was judged by Erik_T, Shigure and TimothyC.

The challenge was won by BB1987s Yorihime class.

Yorihime BB1987.png

<categorygallery cat="Early Cold War Destroyer challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

Fast battleship challenge

The goal in this challenge was to draw a battleship or battlecruiser with a top speed of no less then 28 knots and design date must be between 1920 and 1945.

The winner was BB1987s KnK Kamiyama.

KnK Kamiyama BB1987.png


<categorygallery cat="Fast battleship challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

Nato ASW challenge

The NATO ASW Challenge was held in 2012. It was set up by acelanceloet/J.Scholtens and Thiel. It was tried to emulate the real shipbuilding industry a bit by setting an set of specifications, but still leaving the contestants free to do what you want as long as it stayed inside the specs. The idea was an ASW/ASuW vessel from about 1980. About everything from a VDS tug to an Iroqouis was acceptable. The ships were restricted to real life or close to real life weapons.

The challenge was judged by Erik_T and TimothyC. The scores ended up with a tie between Rowdy's "Vampire Class" and Ace's "Vandalia Class". To this end Rowdy36 won the "Best Practical" award while Ace won the "Best Totally Awesome" Award.

The following are the final rankings:

   Rowdy36 & Acelanceloet (33)
   Novice (32)
   Heuhen #3 [With ASROC] (31)
   Heuhen #1 [With Mk 141] & Hood & Jabba #2 [Flight 2] & Thiel (30)
   Heuhen #1 [With Terne III] (29)
   LEUT_East (27)
   MC Spoilt B'stard (26)
   Jabba #1 [Dortmund] (25)
   Clone Commander & Jabba #3 [Dortmund, Goalkeeper Mod] (23)
   Rifleman (22)

The challenge was won by acelanceloets 'Vandalia' and by Rowdy's 'Vampire'

FFHN-1 ASW(1).png NATOASWDesignChallengeVampireClass.png

Thread <categorygallery cat="NATO ASW Challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

FD Scale Challenges

Second World War Heavy Bomber Challenge

This challenge took place in May and April 2021. The forum thread can be found here. Participants were asked to draw a fictional heavy bomber which saw active service between 1 September 1939 and 2 September 1945. For the purposes of the challenge, a 'heavy bomber' was an aircraft with an empty weight exceeding 11,000 kg (24,251 lb) primarily intended to destroy the infrastructure and industry of an enemy homeland. Charguizard won the challenge with the Werkspoor WkB.3.

Werkspoor WkB.3A-1a Gans (Charguizard).png Werkspoor WkB.3D-2 Gans (Charguizard).png Werkspoor WkB.3F-8c Gans (Charguizard).png

<categorygallery cat="Second World War Heavy Bomber Challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

Fifth Generation Fighter Challenge

This challenge was organised by Kiwi Imperialist in Februari 2021. The goal was to design realistic 5th generation fighter jets.


The challenge was judged by community poll and was won by Soode's Songrim SR-12

Songrim SR-12G Soode.png

<categorygallery cat="Fifth Generation Fighter Challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

'Endgame' Heavy Tank Challenge

This challenge was organised by Kiwi Imperialist in september 2020. The goal was to design late-WW2 heavy tanks.


The challenge was judged by community poll and was won by Charguizards Kanonpantser m/59 Belgae

SD 752, Kanonpantser m-59 Belgae Mk d (Charguizard).png

<categorygallery cat="'Endgame' Heavy Tank Challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

Interwar Fighter Challenge

The goal of this challenge was to design and draw an fighter aicraft from between WW1 and WW2.

This challenge was won by Hoods Ridgefield Type 342.

Ridgefield Type 342 Raiper Hood.png

thread <categorygallery cat="Interwar Fighter Challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

Cold War Attack Aircraft Challenge

This challenge was held in March 2020.


The challenge was won by TigerHunter1945's Wiweko S-56 “Kepik”

Wiweko S56 Attack Aircraft.png

<categorygallery cat="Cold War Attack Aircraft Challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

First Generation Jet Fighter -Challenge

The goal here was als the title says: design a first generation jet fighter.

This challenge was won by Sprinklezs Sachs SA28A-1 "Uhu"


thread <categorygallery cat="First Generation Jet Fighter -Challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

Main battle tank challenge

The goal of this challenge was to design and draw an main battle tank.

The challenge was won by Pegasus206s Hellcat 2

Hellcat 2A MBT Pegasus206.png

thread <categorygallery cat="Main battle tank challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

Cold War Strategic Bomber Challenge

The goal of this challenge was to design and draw an cold war strategic bomber, capable of striking enemies with nuclear weapons regardless of their modern air defences.

The challenge was won by Hoods HS. 1110

Hawker Siddeley HS.1110 Hood.png

thread <categorygallery cat="Cold War Strategic Bomber Challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

Gunbucket Scale Challenges

Big Iron Challenge

This challenge was held in July 2020. The goal was to draw a gunbucket-scale revolver.

The challenge was won by JCSTCaps 1861 Mahtsrevolver

Milescia Armi Re M-1861, Grav var Armhausd's Personal Carry (JCSTCap).png

Thread <categorygallery cat="Big Iron Challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

First Assault Rifle Challenge

The goal of this challenge was to design and draw an realistic first assault rifle for a nation/manufacturer. It had to have realistic characteristics.

This challenge was won by Muscatatucks Marquis RDU-54.

Marquis RDU-54 (Muscatatuck).png

Thread <categorygallery cat="First Assault Rifle Challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>

Soldierbucket Scale Challenges

Soldierbucket Infantry Challenge

This challenge was the first challenge using the Soldierbucket scale. The goal of the challenge was to draw front line infantry personnel.

The challenge was won by Gollevainen who entered the maritime focused Uiskomiehet.

Uiskomiehet (Gollevainen).png

thread <categorygallery cat="Soldierbucket Infantry Challenge" widths=160px heights=60px showfilename=f/>