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Revision as of 09:32, 28 May 2018

General Electric LM2500.png


The LM2500 was the first gas turbine used as main propulsion on an US Navy warship. This was from 1970 onwards. at that point the installation was rated to 21,500 shp (16 MW). For use in the Arleigh Burke class destroyers, (about 1990) the LM2500 was uprated to 26,500 shp (19,8 MW). The current generation of LM2500 turbines, available since the late 1990's allows to be uprated for over 30,000 shp (22 MW)

As an evolution of the LM2500 design, the LM2500+ was created. This unit can deliver up to 40,200 shp (30 MW) or 28,6 MW of electrical energy when coupled with an electrical generator.

The LM2500 gas turbine is placed in an containerised unit, which is isolated for sound and heat. This unit includes air intakes and uptakes, which need to be connected to the outside of the ship.

Important to note on designs using the LM2500 gas turbine is the fact that they do maintenance off-board, by replacing the turbine itself. This means maintenance hatches for removal of the LM-2500 turbine itself are required. Often the uptake or intake channels are used for this purpose.

Used on

Affiliated systems

Part description

There are 2 setups drawin in the part image. One has the air intake channel in the side of the unit, one has the air intake channel on top. Of both, the side and top view are drawn.

See also
