Instruction ship B.A.P. Unión - Marina de Guerra del Perú

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Instruction ship B.A.P. Unión - Marina de Guerra del Perú

#1 Post by Frigate »

Dear Shipbuckets:

Already a year ago the Instruction school ship B.A.P. Unión fron the peruvian marine was launched into the sea, since then I was trying to find a drawing of its design and manufacture.
I would like to know if anyone could help me with the design.


thanks for your support and answers... ;)


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Re: Instruction ship B.A.P. Unión - Marina de Guerra del Perú

#2 Post by Rodondo »

I did a cursory search through my collection a and came up with little bar some photos which reveal a bit about the ship but nothing exemplary. The pictures of the model and info-graphic depict the ship incorrectly so we can rule that out. A ship this size is a big task let alone a tall ship but her rig seems pretty straight forwards so that should make it easier.

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Re: Instruction ship B.A.P. Unión - Marina de Guerra del Perú

#3 Post by heuhen »

Ships like these, tend do be difficult to find good blueprints off. My recommendation is to find good photos of the ship, showing it's profile.

I did it with the Norwegian one, drawn after photos: ... hmkuhl.png
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Re: Instruction ship B.A.P. Unión - Marina de Guerra del Perú

#4 Post by Frigate »

Hi Everyone...

Dear, I would like to know how you can design this type of ships and similar warships, usually I make corrections with Windows Pain but it is not very efficient.


If this pictures can help to desing B.A.P. Unión would be great.

thanks for your welcome and God bless you all...
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Re: Instruction ship B.A.P. Unión - Marina de Guerra del Perú

#5 Post by heuhen »

well most drawing done in shipbucket is with paint...
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Re: Instruction ship B.A.P. Unión - Marina de Guerra del Perú

#6 Post by Frigate »

What up Guys,

I did my best to design the ship taking as a guide the heuhen model, I receive any constructive opinion to improve my design.

Realy hope your like it

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Re: Instruction ship B.A.P. Unión - Marina de Guerra del Perú

#7 Post by Odysseus1980Mk2 »

She seem to be OK to me, but note that my knowledge of sailing ships is limited.
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Re: Instruction ship B.A.P. Unión - Marina de Guerra del Perú

#8 Post by Novice »

The drawing looks good as far as a Shipbucket drawing/ I have no knowledge of rigging on sail-ships, and I don't anything about this particular ship, but few errors do show.
first is the poop lifeboat's davits, which in the pictures are straddling the three foremost portholes, which in your drawing they don't.
Second is the Satcom thingy on the mast in front of the mizzen (?) mast, which in the pictures above is seen just below the sail line, but in your drawing is entirely missing.
Your drawing is quite good otherwise, and here is a picture of the propeller ftom the ship's model
which I hope will help you.
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Re: Instruction ship B.A.P. Unión - Marina de Guerra del Perú

#9 Post by Frigate »


I have made some corretion.


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Re: Instruction ship B.A.P. Unión - Marina de Guerra del Perú

#10 Post by heuhen »

the underwater hull shape is wrong. look at those drawing's that was posted earlier in this topic.
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