Modern NSFS new-build
Posted: August 16th, 2016, 2:12 am
The crazy Yamato rebuild put my brain in a NSFS mindset. Consider the following, loosely based on a Lewis and Clark T-AKE.

- Four AGS is the best postwar fire support ever, basically. We leave the DDG-1000 pure-combatant role and move towards more of a Navy-crewed support vessel framework. Note in particular that any effort for low-RCS is gone. This design will never seek to operate in contested waters.
- We could fit more AGS if we wanted to develop a bespoke turret. I don't, and I'm happy with volume of fire over rate of fire here.
- I'm utilizing several FUSION DESTROYER technologies other than the actual powerplant. Satcom, 50mm CIWS, etc.
- We leverage an I-Mast 400 as an actual factual combatant; if this is cheap enough to go on a Dutch OPV, it should be fine here.
- No ESM/ECM yet. I need to think about that further.
- Strike-length Mk 41 (2x8) is shipped for two reasons: commonality, and ESSM. The USN has no Mk 41 other than strike-length, and adding new systems is bad if it can be avoided. As a point of comparison/precedent, I can't source this at the moment but IIRC several 1990s/2000s Royal Navy replenishment ship concepts envisioned shipping frigate-class combat systems.
- We're hugely over-powered! I envision railguns happening eventually, and that means tons of electric power. For now we have three Cat 16M32C gneerators at about 8MW each (probably good for nearing 20 knots), and a pair of MT30 for high-power operations. As usual, there are appropriate emergency generators bow and stern. It's entirely possible to imagine a world where the MT30 never are fit (waiting for railguns), and this tools around on diesel power for the entire lifespan of the hull. And that's okay I guess!
- Twin screws, to be drawn. I envision ~20MW-class motors, because there's frankly no reason for anything better. This should get us into the 22-knot sort of range. 15 knots on pure diesel sems likely, while powering the various electronic fits.
- Twin V-22 for COD use. This vessel is not a cargo ship per se, but one might as well leverage hangars intelligently.
- Boats not placed yet, but probably abeam/underneath the pilothouse.
- There will be big awesome UNREP kingposts, I just haven't drawn them yet. We're NOT looking to be a first-tier support vessel, but we are likely to be cruising around with a buttload of fuel, and maybe a bunch of pallets of 155mm ammo or something. We should be able to transfer these if that would be useful.