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Bringing back Fox Industries and presenting the F-22B-30

Posted: February 1st, 2011, 7:04 am
by Vossiej
A few years ago I started the fictional company of Fox Industries (related to my surname), it was the developer
of the TMS-missile series, the AH-154 Panther and some other of my AU designs.

I started this little drawing to make a larger F-22, because when you have an F-22A, there must be a F-22B somewhere
in the near future. So I made the F-22B-30 (30 stands for 30% more payload), which you can see is somewhat larger, has
a two-man cockpit (can also be flown with the traditional one-man cockpit) and some other modifications, which is developed
by Lockheed Martin and Boeing. Also to be seen is the combat-capable RQ-4 Globalhawk, which was developed by Northrop
Grumman in co-operation with Fox Industries for the European market. The final F-35A design by Lockheed Martin and the MQ-68A
Cooperhawk designed by Fox Industries.


Would be some inventory for the USAF, wouldn't it be? ;) Imagen something like 180 F-22A's, 200 F-22B-30's, 2600 F-35's and 200 UCAV's.

Re: Bringing back Fox Industries and presenting the F-22B-30

Posted: February 1st, 2011, 11:17 am
by Vossiej

Re: Bringing back Fox Industries and presenting the F-22B-30

Posted: February 1st, 2011, 1:21 pm
by TimothyC
Vossiej wrote:I started this little drawing to make a larger F-22, because when you have an F-22A, there must be a F-22B somewhere
in the near future.
Nope. The two seat F-22B was canceled in early 1996.

Re: Bringing back Fox Industries and presenting the F-22B-30

Posted: February 2nd, 2011, 11:41 pm
by chrisgatt7
pretty sexy hope to see more soon

Re: Bringing back Fox Industries and presenting the F-22B-30

Posted: February 10th, 2011, 6:15 am
by Philbob

Re: Bringing back Fox Industries and presenting the F-22B-30

Posted: February 10th, 2011, 6:39 am
by klagldsf
With two Hellfires (or Brimstomes, either way) the size suggests Reaper-class in size, though the armament is somewhat confusing with the configuration; a fast-mover isn't exactly what's necessary for a close-support platform.

Re: Bringing back Fox Industries and presenting the F-22B-30

Posted: February 10th, 2011, 8:49 am
by Demon Lord Razgriz
That's the Lockheed VARIOUS VTOL UCAV, you can make out the doors to the large side lift-fans to the sides of the intake. And you can see part of the name on the base of the model.

Re: Bringing back Fox Industries and presenting the F-22B-30

Posted: February 10th, 2011, 8:07 pm
by Vossiej
Lol Philbob, that model looks a lot like mine. But I can assure you it's not based on it. It looks quite the same I guess, but my UAV is specially designed for air-to-air combat whilst the HunterHawk is for (close) air-support only.