10th Upload session
Posted: April 12th, 2013, 11:03 pm
The time has come again for an uploading session, where we move work done on the forum to the official Shipbucket.com archive page.
This upload session will last until 11:59PM UTC (23:59Z) on Saturday, April 20th. After that, the thread will be locked and no new submissions will be accepted.
The rules remain the same as last time, but have been reproduced for clarity:
Uploading Session Rules:
This upload session will last until 11:59PM UTC (23:59Z) on Saturday, April 20th. After that, the thread will be locked and no new submissions will be accepted.
The rules remain the same as last time, but have been reproduced for clarity:
Uploading Session Rules:
- Post only Real Life and real Never-Built Shipbucket drawings.
- Post where the drawing should go. This means the "type" of drawing (Real Life or Never Built) and its nationality.
-- Example: "Real Life, United States"; "Never-Built, United States", etc. - Only post completed drawings.
- Please use the file name formate found in this thread. Underscores for Spaces are acceptable as I can filter them out (I think).
- NO DISCUSSION IN THIS THREAD. Post only ship drawings and their relevant information. Please use this thread to discuss the uploading session.
- No member-made folders will be accepted this time due to the hassle it has caused in the past (I've just got everything sorted).