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Agamemnon Class Semi-Dreadnought

Posted: April 22nd, 2012, 8:51 pm
After looking at KHT's Satsuma and after trying and failing to do a Lord Nelson based Pre-Dreadnought I have came up with this design.


I am sill not quite sure about some of the armament though.

Re: Agammnon Class Semi-Dreadnought

Posted: April 22nd, 2012, 9:12 pm
by Blackbuck
Come up with you say?..
Those boats are in rather an odd position ditto the casemates up that high... Also why the relatively vast amount of space aft?

Re: Agammnon Class Semi-Dreadnought

Posted: April 22nd, 2012, 9:20 pm
If you look at Raxar's Agamemnon the boat are where they are on this design.
And the casemates are so they cannot fire into the secondary guns.

Re: Agamemnon Class Semi-Dreadnought

Posted: April 22nd, 2012, 9:23 pm
by Blackbuck
The cranes on his design though can actually place and hoist items into the water yours don't really look capable of doing that especially considering it's just a swinging jib with a rope in it. I'm still not sold on the casemates.

Re: Agamemnon Class Semi-Dreadnought

Posted: April 23rd, 2012, 1:02 am
by bezobrazov
I'm flabbergasted. Yet another of this person's peculiar Ill-thought out and barely realistic creations. Are we to cheer or cry? Ask me not, for I have no answer!
There are so many apparent flaws in this "design" that, if I were the responsible for having ordered this mis-creation, I'd demand the designer's head on a gilded platter. The length of the hull vs the superstructure is ridiculous to say the least! So much wasted space. How are you figuring those secondary turrets are going to swing on the broadside? Your superstructure must either be wafer thin, or the ship abnormally fat! Also how on earth did you ever come up with the grossly erroneous idea of putting a cutter on top of the pinnace? I know I gave you permission to use the Victorian boat sheet, but, please, please, understand what you're doing instead of coming up with something so daft! You evidently glanced at the Lord Nelsons, which is fine, but, I declare, you learnt nothing of it!
Before you post anything more, please make your homework. As it is now, this is an abomination!

Re: Agamemnon Class Semi-Dreadnought

Posted: April 23rd, 2012, 1:08 am
by Raxar
So, you took my Agamemnon, stripped it of all the details that make it look realistic (and a workable ship, for that matter), copy-pasted your standard, blocky bridge and masts onto it, plopped in the turrets from KHT's Satsuma, and added a ridiculous armor belt that the real Agamemnon was never meant to have. Why? This is a lesson in how NOT to kitbash.

Re: Agamemnon Class Semi-Dreadnought

Posted: April 23rd, 2012, 1:12 am
by bezobrazov
Like I said: an ABOMINATION!!! I feel sorry for you, Raxar, your Agamemnon is well worth a better fate, than this figurative rape.

Re: Agamemnon Class Semi-Dreadnought

Posted: April 23rd, 2012, 1:19 am
bezobrazov wrote:I'm flabbergasted. Yet another of this person's peculiar Ill-thought out and barely realistic creations. Are we to cheer or cry? Ask me not, for I have no answer!
There are so many apparent flaws in this "design" that, if I were the responsible for having ordered this mis-creation, I'd demand the designer's head on a gilded platter. The length of the hull vs the superstructure is ridiculous to say the least! So much wasted space. How are you figuring those secondary turrets are going to swing on the broadside? Your superstructure must either be wafer thin, or the ship abnormally fat! Also how on earth did you ever come up with the grossly erroneous idea of putting a cutter on top of the pinnace? I know I gave you permission to use the Victorian boat sheet, but, please, please, understand what you're doing instead of coming up with something so daft! You evidently glanced at the Lord Nelsons, which is fine, but, I declare, you learnt nothing of it!
Before you post anything more, please make your homework. As it is now, this is an abomination!
"Good gentle youth, tempt not a desperate man;
Fly hence, and leave me: think upon broadside guns." :roll:

Re: Agamemnon Class Semi-Dreadnought

Posted: April 23rd, 2012, 3:17 am
by klagldsf
Well, it's certainly something at least.

It's at least artistic exercise, but especially compared to some of your later drawings this honestly represents somewhat of a step backwards and I can't even say you're trying. As others have pointed out it's grossly under-detailed. You need to work on the details.

Re: Agamemnon Class Semi-Dreadnought

Posted: April 23rd, 2012, 6:43 am
by KHT
Raxar wrote:plopped in the turrets from KHT's Satsuma
He never used any of my turrets of what I can see... And besides, since those turrets from my Satsuma are "real design" turrets, anyone is free to use them. In fact, I'd be very glad if someone else uses them, no matter who.

And APDAF, if the Satsuma was what this design evolved from, please look a bit more on the basic parts of it: placements of the ATB guns, how the superstructure is made for the 10" secondary artillery to fit, etc. At least two guys have been very kind and posted side AND top-view drawings in the Satsuma thread, they should give you a nice idea of how the superstructure should look.