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LRAM INC. Zweihander-Class Battleship

Posted: March 16th, 2012, 12:54 am
by furturewar
Firstly, I have no clue about whether this ship will even float, or even work. This is mainly a time-killer, and a way to improve my skills.
All Parts are made by me. This was sprung from the idea of a "Modern Battleship" The main powerhouses of the Navy way back when, and doing some updates on the type of weaponry. The elevated area behind the Main Structure, is going to be reserved for VLS, and most likely AA-Related weaponry, and maybe some 7". The Estimated Era of this being built is somewhere between 2005~2020. The Main Cannons featured are Single 25" Concealable Cannons, capable of firing Guided projectiles, as well as Rocket-assisted Projectiles. Secondaries are 7" Stealth.

-Should I make the Hull deeper?
-Should I make the Hull Wider/Longer?
-Ideas for detailing superstructure (Going for a Zumwalt-type stealth ship)
-For the Bow, should I remove the curve up and make it flat for a more stealth look?
-What type of Propulsion should I use? Power source is going to be Nuclear for sure.

Anything else to address?

Re: LRAM INC. Zweihander-Class Battleship

Posted: March 16th, 2012, 1:16 am
by Rodondo
Some points,

*A 25"concealable turret would have to be monstrous, much. much lager than you have shown. The simple logistics behind concealing it would be massive, the gun itself would weigh roughly 500t, also you would need a very ingenious and very complex armor scheme on the turret to allow it to to be protected and be able to open and close.

*I recommend running your design through to see if it will float.

*Stealth is very hard when your have a 400m long target, sure it'll make it seem a bit small but its not worthy enough to make the design revolve around it

* Bow looks very fragile/flimsy, might want to tone down the degree of the curves there

Re: LRAM INC. Zweihander-Class Battleship

Posted: March 16th, 2012, 3:33 am
by Zephyr
This has about as much stealth as King Kong on the Empire State building. The main guns seem comically huge as well. Honestly, I don't see where this design is even remotely feasible.

Re: LRAM INC. Zweihander-Class Battleship

Posted: March 16th, 2012, 3:34 am
by Rodondo

Re: LRAM INC. Zweihander-Class Battleship

Posted: March 16th, 2012, 4:01 am
by klagldsf
I'm going to say that this vessel is probably going to become practice mainly for the Shipbucket drawing style and technique, rather than as any appreciable lesson in naval engineering.

That's probably where you should start anyway.

Re: LRAM INC. Zweihander-Class Battleship

Posted: March 16th, 2012, 4:19 am
by erik_t
I would encourage you to look at actual low-radar-signature shapes and note that they are completely different than what you've drawn.

Re: LRAM INC. Zweihander-Class Battleship

Posted: March 16th, 2012, 4:29 am
by Zephyr
Rodondo wrote:king-kong?

Ummm... yeah, that fellow.

I hate my keyboard. :lol:

Re: LRAM INC. Zweihander-Class Battleship

Posted: March 16th, 2012, 4:36 am
by furturewar
I was mainly basing the Super Structure off the Zumwalt, as well as that US OGW and thought the Superstructures looked similar, so I assumed stealth.
I ran this through SpringSharp, although I am trying to do some compensation and estimation for some of the parts, since the program only goes up to the 1950's, and it seems that this ship IS Floatable, with a Max displacement of about 6,711,967 t. I think I can fit two 25" on this ship.

As for the deployable turret, the Barrel folds at the point between the barrel and the Breech, folding upwards, then back to be parallel with the Breech. I ran this through PS, and i could fit the Barrel inside the turret. It's only a single barrel so I feel it's totally possible. I based the Design off the 155mm AGM, as to where the top of the turret opens, the barrel will fold out, and then secure itself in place attaching to the breech.

Anyways, I thought the design would be cool, and a way to pass time until OGW's become available in the AU RP I'm in.

Re: LRAM INC. Zweihander-Class Battleship

Posted: March 16th, 2012, 5:01 am
by Zephyr
A folding barrel? That is an explosion waiting to happen, I do believe. Also, just expanding a hull type out to a much larger size does not mean you get idential properties. You could expand a hydroplane out to battleship size, but that doesn't mean it will go 200 knots.

Re: LRAM INC. Zweihander-Class Battleship

Posted: March 16th, 2012, 5:10 am
by furturewar
Think of it like the Russian Sniper Rifle, the OSV-96. That barrel folds and fires just fine.
Where did you get the "expanding the hull" statement? I don't think i ever said anything about expanding the hull...