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Pallada Class

Posted: March 15th, 2012, 12:39 am
by Umbra502
Hi guys,

I had a look around the site for the Pallada Class Cruiser (specifically Aurora) to see if she had been drawn. I couldn't find her so I'm just making sure she has not been reserved prior to me starting her. She is a beautiful ship, and her place in history is IMO second to none. She deserves a place on this site :D So if no one has her already, mind if I take a go?

Also, just a bit of an Intro, I'm Riley, I'm a Middy at ADFA studying engineering, and our current elective is Naval Architecture. I had heard of this site from a mate of mine, so I thought I would jump on and give it a go. I am yet to draw a real ship, but I have played around with some of my own designs and adaptations of some of the excellent work on this site. Mainly of frigates and old cruisers. Hopefully I can make a valuable contribution to this site and hopefully bring a bit of insight of the Australian Navy currently to the table :)


Re: Pallada Class

Posted: March 15th, 2012, 2:11 am
by Rodondo
Welcome Aboard Umbra,

Nice to see another Aussie join the squadron,

Regarding to Pallada Class, Rurik-2 has done it in non SB standard (found here ... 207#p40207) and Gollevainen has expressed interest in doing it in December last year (found here ... 794#p43794), you could ask for it though

I'm looking to possibly doing naval architecture at Launceston/Perth but I'm surprised that you can do naval arch at the ADFA, what does that entail exactly?

We are missing quite a few Australian ships and a lot of Coat of Arms so it's good to have another set of hands.

Re: Pallada Class

Posted: March 15th, 2012, 2:30 am
by Umbra502
I'll ask Gollevainen if he is still interested in drawing her, if he is I'm very excited for what he will produce :)

As for ADFA, UNSW teaches the course and it's a basic overview on the field; the fundamentals, basic principles and such. Nothing to what you could expect from full civilian courses. It's useful though because it gives people like me an understanding of what we are driving.

Thanks for the welcome :) I look forward to drawing some Aussie ships and having a try at CoAs

Re: Pallada Class

Posted: March 15th, 2012, 9:31 am
by Gollevainen
I actually am planning to drawn her... at somepoint... (I have couple of remakes and the entire russian equipment chart remake at hand) It and the Bajan class armoured cruisers are all that I lack from Imperial Baltic fleets from WWI era. Ive gotta few good books and magazines about the subject.

Re: Pallada Class

Posted: March 15th, 2012, 12:47 pm
by Portsmouth Bill
Welcome aboard; and doubly so if you are interested in drawing real life ships :) Yes, a few of us are particularly interested in RAN (and RNZN) ships; and you can see what has already been done by checking the archive. My current project is HMAS Supply.

Re: Pallada Class

Posted: March 15th, 2012, 2:01 pm
by rifleman
Welcome and yes there are some of us interested in Australian and New Zealand ships

Re: Pallada Class

Posted: March 15th, 2012, 11:19 pm
by Umbra502
Gollevainen, I look forward to seeing you draw her! As I said before, she is a glorious ship!.

Thankyou Rifleman and Portsmouth Bill, I look forward to putting some Australian designs forward (and perhaps enhancing some current designs, such as the ASMD upgraded Perth, which from my short glance, is slightly incorrect).