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Answer to the Objective Global Warship

Posted: September 2nd, 2011, 9:32 pm
by Biancini1995
Guys my "Little"Ship under constrution.... and can someone help me in this Super Ship design?

I need help on the Brigde and Main Guns.

And the image resolution is strange put to 1 megabyte size....

Now with new Engines!


Re: Answer to the Objective Global Warship

Posted: September 2nd, 2011, 9:47 pm
by Blackbuck
Oh. Oh no. Why do people continue to draw such abominations.

Re: Answer to the Objective Global Warship

Posted: September 2nd, 2011, 9:50 pm
by Biancini1995
Man my draw is to be the BEST Ship of Ship Bucket!!!!

If you want to know the Leviathan in Warship Gunner 2 have huge and multiple VLS silos and in the other side of the ship this thing have a weapon capable of creat Tsunamis!

Re: Answer to the Objective Global Warship

Posted: September 2nd, 2011, 10:01 pm
by ONI-Defense
Raven wrote:Bring it, dude! Superships, when the world absolutely, positively has to be destroyed overnight.
Although in a practical sense, a fleet of submarines carrying nuclear tipped ICBMs can always do the trick. :P

Re: Answer to the Objective Global Warship

Posted: September 2nd, 2011, 10:15 pm
by HMS Sophia
Biancini1995 wrote:Man my draw is to be the BEST Ship of Ship Bucket!!!!
This... this is a joke right? Because otherwise... phew... put down the damn crack pipe, please... :roll:

Re: Answer to the Objective Global Warship

Posted: September 2nd, 2011, 11:41 pm
by erik_t
Guess you can't take a freaking hint. Split from someone else's thread, again. This is your official warning to cease this behavior. Further violation will be handled according to the standard punishment scale.

- erik_t

Re: Answer to the Objective Global Warship

Posted: September 3rd, 2011, 12:24 am
by Rodondo
Yeah this ain't gonna work. The scale is grey, there is no shading, the ship is facing the wrong.

Re: Answer to the Objective Global Warship

Posted: September 9th, 2011, 10:50 am
by Scifibug
Blackbuck wrote:Oh. Oh no. Why do people continue to draw such abominations.
I believe that (almost) everyone who draws ships has their own "it's impratical but wouldn't it be awesome ship" somewhere in the back of their minds.
Some are too intimidated to place their creation on the forum, some (like me) just haven't found the time to convert their sketches to Shipbucket format, and some have said "what the hell, do your worst" and post their monstrosities on the forum. I choose to stand with these bucketeers.

I can't wait to see what it turns into. :lol:

Re: Answer to the Objective Global Warship

Posted: September 9th, 2011, 11:15 am
by Defiant9477
Scifibug, couldn't have said it better myself, we all love the real and realistic drawings, but the out of this world drawings have a place too. Can't wait to see more.

Re: Answer to the Objective Global Warship

Posted: September 9th, 2011, 5:54 pm
by Portsmouth Bill
It's cool if he observes the conventions (as erik_t has pointed out). I respect Scifi, as an older member who has earned his spurs; that said, I don't give a monkey's what folk post as own designs, so long as they have a 'toe hold' in reality; otherwise expect some strong criticism.