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Incorrectly Placed Images

Posted: July 19th, 2011, 10:28 am
by Demon Lord Razgriz
I was looking through the Real Life design in the Archive when I came across this fella:


An MRD 150 for South Africa drawn by the Great Leader MConrads. Wondering if the SAN really had this ship, I googled it. Which lead me to a thread on the old forums, where it was stated it was a proposal from TKMS by the Great Leader himself, drawn from PDFs on the design(which I wouldn't mind having myself...).

Now, I would like to know why we have an Unbuilt Design in the Real Design Berths, and more worryingly, are there more ships in our great fleet docked in the wrong berth?

Re: Incorrectly Placed Images

Posted: July 19th, 2011, 12:04 pm
by Gollevainen
so this was in real life section?
I'll move it to newerwhere's

Also, post here if you find other misplaced pictures or still errorneous links ect. (ill sticky this one)

Re: Incorrectly Placed Images

Posted: July 19th, 2011, 12:35 pm
by ReiAyanami
There is a Viking Longship in the Greek navy ... ngship.png
Designs of ships that are still u/c or will be built go in real life section? There is a Polish frigate that is going to be built by 2015 in there, and I guess many more.
Also this is in German section. I think privatisations haven't gone that far yet ... in%201.png

Re: Incorrectly Placed Images

Posted: July 19th, 2011, 12:52 pm
by Thiel
The last one is a german q-ship

Re: Incorrectly Placed Images

Posted: July 19th, 2011, 1:08 pm
Thiel wrote:The last one is a german q-ship

Yea indeed. what Tiel says! It's a Greec disguise of a German auxilairy merchant raider.

Re: Incorrectly Placed Images

Posted: July 19th, 2011, 6:33 pm
by KimWerner
What about real designs which change when the vessels are build? MConrads has drawn the new danish frigate after the original blueprints, but when they were build a lots were changed. ... 500%20IVAR

Re: Incorrectly Placed Images

Posted: July 19th, 2011, 7:38 pm
by Thiel
Old drawings are replaced when newer versions are submitted to an uploading session.

Re: Incorrectly Placed Images

Posted: July 19th, 2011, 8:04 pm
by KimWerner
Thiel wrote:Old drawings are replaced when newer versions are submitted to an uploading session.
OK ;) I've just realised that my Iver Huitfeldt thus she was attached the 4th uploading session isn't submitted. I have to ask Gollevainen why?

Re: Incorrectly Placed Images

Posted: July 19th, 2011, 9:25 pm
by Novice
This ship is in the Real Life section of France as well as in Real Life section of Great Britain (where it belongs)
Theis little craft is in the Never Built section of France as well as Never Built section of Denmark

Re: Incorrectly Placed Images

Posted: July 19th, 2011, 9:32 pm
by Gollevainen
Can you repost the Ivar Huitfeld (a link-back to the submit thread could do) not uploaded?

I took notice that during last update round there were some incorrectiness in the folders. I suspect by them the guys who sended their stuff in folders instead of the threads. I spotted some errors by my own but I bet many passed on without me noticing. Thus in next uploading session I propably only accept only submissions to the forum thread only.