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Boomer Challenge

Posted: August 18th, 2023, 12:07 pm
by Kiwi Imperialist

Like a silent, deadly predator, the ballistic missile submarine lies in wait. Hidden beneath the churning waves, its arsenal ready to unleash Armageddon. Unseen and unheard, it waits patiently to strike. Welcome to the Boomer Challenge! Your goal is to draw a ballistic missile submarine. It's not that complicated, though achieving first place might be. Remember Challenge Rule 7. If you wish to elaborate on the art you have created for this challenge, consider doing so in the Personal Designs section of this forum or on the Shipbucket Wiki. Please limit the content of your entries to the actual submission. If you have an idea for a future challenge, remember to share it in the Future Challenge Ideas/Suggestions thread. Don't be afraid to share an idea which has been suggested by someone else. It shows that multiple people are interested in that topic.

Design Requirements
  1. Your submission must depict a fictional submarine.
  2. The primary mission of the submarine should be the deployment of ballistic missiles at sea.

Challenge Rules
  1. Each participant may submit a single image.
  2. The image should be a Shipbucket template modified to include the participant’s art and, optionally, one of the following: submarine badge, unit insignia, manufacturer logo, national flag, or naval ensign. Other elements, including data sheets and scenic elements, are not permitted. If you have specifications and blocks of text, please include them as text in your post and not in the image itself.
  3. One side-view of the participant's submarine must be included. One top-view is also permitted, but not required. All other views are prohibited.
  4. If two views are included, they must depict the same individual submarine in the same paint scheme, markings, and configuration (e.g. masts extended).
  5. All art must be in Shipbucket scale and conform to the Shipbucket style guidelines.
  6. A textual description accompanying each submission is permitted, but not necessary.
  7. Non-serious entries, or entries substantially deviate from the challenge requirements, are not allowed.
  8. Off-topic posts will be reported to the relevant authorities.

This challenge will run until Sunday 17 September 2023, ending at 23:59 UTC-12 (International Date Line West).
A countdown timer can be found at this link.

A poll will be held after this date to select a winner. When it opens, please provide honest and meaningful scores for each entry. Responses which grant maximum scores to a select group of entries, and minimum scores to all other entries, will be deleted. Members of the community who manipulate the results in such a fashion may also be subject to a permanent ban. Scores will be allocated in two categories, each with a scale of 1 to 10:

  • Drawing Quality - The overall quality of the drawing. One might consider detailing, shading, and accuracy.
  • Design Quality -The quality of the design presented, irrespective of drawing quality. One could consider feasibility, practicality, and realism.

Re: Boomer Challenge

Posted: August 18th, 2023, 8:41 pm
by sebu

Re: Boomer Challenge

Posted: August 19th, 2023, 5:12 pm
by Ultraking101
El-Osali Class

Vessel History:
The El-Osali class was a batch of 3x Ballistic missile / Attack submarines procured from Sweden in the mid 2010s to complement the Algerian Navy's 6x Kilo class submarines in service. The class is modeled on a joint design work from Saab and Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering in South Korea. The class is inspired byy both developments of the A26 VLS and the KSS-III Blk. 2. The submarine in Algerian service has 12x VLS tubes where they can host either 1x Iraq-developed Al-Samoud 2 missile or 4x Kalibr cruise missiles. The total VLS count can either be 12x ballistic missiles or 48x cruise missiles. However, in Algerian service the submarine typically is always in the Ballistic missile configuration with the Cruise missile duties embarked upon the Kilo classes.

You can find more information here regarding exact specifications: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=10834&p=209442#p209442
(Posted the specs sheet in my Alt. Universe forum)

Re: Boomer Challenge

Posted: August 20th, 2023, 6:30 am
by Just A CF-18 Here
Orkan Class SSBN


small text block

The Orkan Class SSBN (Ballistic Missile Submarine) is a class of 4 ships, designed as the "Tip of Spear", should Mestra need to. In 1984 the Navy wanted a submarine to carry at least 10x VLS cells for the upcoming UBM-434 Harpoon SLBM. Official requests were passed to designers calling for -
An SSBN capable of launching 10x or more UBM-434 SLBM's in single cells
2x or more bow torpedo tubes, capable of launching both M1978-II WGT and M1956-IV AShM
Has to be nuclear powered

When 1993 rolled around, Design A-II was selected for development, and 8 ships were ordered. After the first 4 ships were laid down, the entire order for 8 ships was found to be too expensive for the Navy, and 8 ships would be a little much. So, in 1994, 4 ships were canceled and the 4 all ready being built, would be the only ones. The first ship would be finished in the Fall of 1999, and commissioned in 2000. Along with her sister ships. Orkan and Torden would be stationed outside of Mestra for most of there service, with Lyn and Stormskygge mainly operating close to home. During 2005 Lyn would be stationed in the Gringdat, mainly to keep everyone in check. And in 2015, Orkan and 3 other ships would visit Khraelyia.

The Orkan's are the Tip of the Spear for Mestra's Long Range Strike Force, the only incident involving an Orkan would be the 2007 Merchant Disappearance, which involved 2 subs. MNS Orkan herself would be distinguished in being one of the quietest larger subs in ultra quiet mode. There UBM-434 SLBM's would only be launched during tests and training, not once in hostile action, but can and will should they need to.

Artists remarks -
I am feelin good about this one. Last SB scale challenge was a big motivator for this, but this text is getting long and its 2:30 AM. Good luck to everyone participating. o7

Re: Boomer Challenge

Posted: August 20th, 2023, 9:52 am
by Rob2012
Cool design.

Re: Boomer Challenge

Posted: August 20th, 2023, 10:51 am
by sebu
Since I've found flaws in my design, I'll have to edit my entry. The rules do not allow section images, while it allows top views... Could it "either or?" In submarines sections could be more informative than top view.

Regarding Cross Sections

Posted: August 20th, 2023, 10:53 pm
by Kiwi Imperialist
sebu wrote: August 20th, 2023, 10:51 am Since I've found flaws in my design, I'll have to edit my entry. The rules do not allow section images, while it allows top views... Could it "either or?" In submarines sections could be more informative than top view.
I am afraid you are limited to a top view and a side view, both showing your submarine in the same state. If you wish to create cross sections or a cutaway anyway, consider sharing them in the Personal Designs section of this forum.

Re: Boomer Challenge

Posted: August 23rd, 2023, 12:06 pm
by superboy
Type-037N Chinese Ballistic Missile Submarine


General characteristics

Type: Diesel-electric submarine
First Commissioned: September 1976
Displacement: 2,854 tons surfaced, 3,413 tons submerged
Length: 100.8 m
Beam: 8.9 m
Propulsion: 3xdiesel engines
Speed: 17.2 knots surfaced, 12 knots submerged
Range: 12,000 nautical miles at 9 knots


8×21-inch (533 mm) torpedo tubes (6 forward, 2 aft)
16xYu-2 Torpedoes
4×Julang-1 Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles


Re: Boomer Challenge

Posted: August 23rd, 2023, 10:02 pm
by Remorseful Dreamer
CFN SS-590 James Gilian - Old Silent Warrior

Columbian Federal Navy SSBN James Gilian as painted in 1984.

The Columbian Federal Navy was a late adopter of the SSBN concept largely due to political mingling by the "carrier mafia". The Navy had invested fortunes into their newest supercarrier and aircraft designs to act as the nuclear deterrent of the Federation after the success carriers had seen as land strike assets in the Great War, and many a political career was under threat should submarines prove to be a more ideal delivery platform.

Regardless, in spite of hurdles and delays, in 1964, the Michael Crowning class of ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs or "Boomers") were commissioned, following a single experimental boat to validate the concept in practice. Initially, six boats were planned, but an additional four were ordered and would be completed to a slightly altered design to fit newer, larger SLBMs with MRV capability - something that the Crownings lacked. They possessed six bow tubes for self-defence and to act as raiders in a post-nuclear environment. As designed, they fired a sub-caliber anti-sub torpedo and the straight running, Great War vintage Mark X, but by these were soon replaced by newer, more potent weapons. They fielded a towed array - the first SSBN class in the world to do so - as well as a chin-mounted cylindrical device and a side-scanning passive unit. Sixteen SLBMs were carried - these were first generation weapons, the SLGM-N 1 Anubis missiles, delivering a singular 400 kiloton warhead. They could be fired while submerged at periscope depth, though the workload on the helmsmen to maintain depth and attitude was intense until newer systems improved automation.

The practice of naming submarines was still rather new at this point, and thus, the boats' names were comprised of a hull number and a personality's name (usually a submariner distinguished through heroic actions or exemplary benefit to the service), rather than the surface ship approach of having a name and separate hull number. The practice would last a considerable time in parts of the fleet: While subs operating in the east coast area would lose their hull number name hybrid designations in the late 70s, in the west coast subs the practice remained until the 1990s.

As it is considered to be bad fortune to rename a vessel while she is in the water, renaming took place during drydock stints. The often forward-deployed western seabed based subs sometimes spent years away from stateside, and thus, opportunities for name changes were rare.

Depicted is the third boat of her class, SS-590 James Gilian, named after the commanding Admiral of the CFN submarine force during the Columbian-Alantian War of 1910, as she appeared early in 1984. The vessel carries an eye-catching "shark mouth" paintjob. This curious detail had not been approved by Adm. Crusher, COMSUBOR, however, and quite who signed off on it was never found out, and so, James Gilian showed up to her renaming ceremony in NAVSTA Secena, surprising many with her vicious appearance.

A minor stir was caused, some harsh words were spoken behind closed doors, but ultimately, no career was ended. Only the mouth had to go during the ship's stay in drydock, which, apart from the name change, also saw the aging boat's final refit, granting her a new towed array and upgrading her missile launch authentication systems to modern standards, plus some more modern equipment mostly focused on quality of life improvements such as a new galley.

The next year, in 1985, it was decided to not refuel the six Crownings again, in spite of rising tensions. CFN James Gilian would pull into her homeport for the last time in 1987, being broken up in 1990, with her reactor section being handed over to the NNRA, who slowly deconstructed it. In November 2009, NNRA reported that the dismantling of the reactor section had been completed.

Regarding the Natascha-Class

Posted: August 23rd, 2023, 10:27 pm
by Kiwi Imperialist
superboy wrote: August 23rd, 2023, 12:06 pm Natascha-Class SEATO Ballistic Missile Submarine
You have created a wonderful little submarine with nice detail and shading Sueprboy. The concept of a missile submarine for SEATO is intriguing too. Unfortunately, I am not sure it meets the design requirements. Design Requirement 2 calls for a submarine with the primary mission of deploying ballistic missiles at sea. From what I understand, Regulus is not a ballistic missile but a cruise missile. If this is indeed the case, I'm afraid I must ask you to edit your post so that it includes a ballistic missile submarine or delete its content. You can still share what you have drawn in the Personal Designs section of this forum or elsewhere, of course.