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Wolftheriot's Pixelarts
Posted: June 1st, 2023, 11:45 pm
by Wolftheriot
Just a little place for me to show the Shipbucket community my non SB/FD/SoB art things that don't follow the rules and don't illustrate vehicles necessarly
Re: Wolftheriot's Pixelarts
Posted: June 1st, 2023, 11:46 pm
by Wolftheriot
Pscj-290 poster
The Pscj-290 series was a series of front wheel drive (FWD) 4 door sedans and shatchbacks,designed and manufactured by the Zakłepa Automobilja,also called "Borocach" or officially "Kameta".Designed in the late 1960s as a people's car for the citizens of Kardovijan People's Republic,later on became the symbol of friendship during the Kardovijan Independance Wars.More over the car earned itself a cult place in the Zocien societies.It also is a fairly popular car choice amongst Zocien car enthousiasts,you can find such posters nowadays in many teenager rooms.
Re: Wolftheriot's Pixelarts
Posted: June 1st, 2023, 11:47 pm
by Wolftheriot
Quantum floppy disk
The Floppy Laser Disk is the state of the art data storage media used all around the world and originating from Shintoka,it's popularity has rised due to it's relative compactness compared to older floppies and Tape Storage,altough they remain rather expensive for use in other fields than computing thus not being able to replace VHS and Casettes,however they are capabale of storing massive amounts of data,in fact many agree that if it wasn't for the advent of the FLDs quantum computing could have never became a reality.
it's also commonly reffered to as Quantum Disk or Quantum Laser Disk
Re: Wolftheriot's Pixelarts
Posted: June 1st, 2023, 11:48 pm
by Wolftheriot
Citrine T-140 VHS box
Manufactured by Shido Entertainment,this particular VHS type is more common for home use like movie watching or recording TV programmes,unlike more expensive and specialised variants made by Tsunuhama Insutruments for example that have a extremely sensible tape response and Length of 400 minutes +.
Re: Wolftheriot's Pixelarts
Posted: June 1st, 2023, 11:48 pm
by Wolftheriot
Night Drive
A black Yamatsuri Kinisi travels on the capital expressway 3 out of downtown
Re: Wolftheriot's Pixelarts
Posted: June 1st, 2023, 11:49 pm
by Wolftheriot
Simca S110 Advertisement
The S110 is a two door,sports coupe with a rear engine set-up manufactured from 1989,Equipped with flatplane V6 and a flatplane V8.The fomer was capable of 550 h.p at 6,500rpm.The S110 was the car the defined and set the Vidangien manufacturer as serious competition on the sports/super car market.The success of the S110 pushed Simca to completly re-design their lineup to go hand in hand with the new sports car giving birth to cars like the F-400.The design of the S110 flows in one cohesive line with integrated and aerodynamic rear view side cameras.The design went on to win several GT races and lead to Yamatsuri releasing the Zoiros to compete with the S110.The S110 keeps the qualities of a supercar while offering relative luxory for a 2 door sports coupe;it became the icon and go to car for celebreties and people with a refined taste in automobiles.Many credit the Simca for the 90s gullwing door craze.
S110,is a design inspired by french aesthetics notably heavy by the 110 and 310 Alpinas,but sports some features from the italian "pure-breds" like the 318GTB.The V8 S110 was a very rare model released in incredibly small numbers
Re: Wolftheriot's Pixelarts
Posted: June 4th, 2023, 9:13 am
by eswube
These are really great looking drawings!
Re: Wolftheriot's Pixelarts
Posted: June 5th, 2023, 9:41 pm
by Wolftheriot
Thanks a lot!
Re: Wolftheriot's Pixelarts
Posted: June 6th, 2023, 12:40 am
by heuhen
these are awesome
Re: Wolftheriot's Pixelarts
Posted: June 6th, 2023, 8:34 am
by Kattsun
this OWNS