BAES Adaptable Strike Frigate concept (Type 32) and BMT Salvas

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BAES Adaptable Strike Frigate concept (Type 32) and BMT Salvas

#1 Post by waterwings »

Following the article by Navy Lookout, I had a go at the BAES Adaptable Strike Frigate concept (which could become the Type 32):


No information on weapons systems at this stage but I threw Sea Ceptor on there - allegedly it'll fit a Merlin as well :?

The UKDJ also had an article on an order for two new Multi-Role Ocean Surveillance ships, using an image of the BMT Salvas Auxiliary concept, so here's one of them as well:


Be interesting to see what other options emerge!
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Re: BAES Adaptable Strike Frigate concept (Type 32) and BMT Salvas

#2 Post by Colombamike »

Few critics @waterwings , ;)

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Re: BAES Adaptable Strike Frigate concept (Type 32) and BMT Salvas

#3 Post by waterwings »

I did see that, but I'm not sure entirely what that graphic is based on. I had a go using the BAES images and the model closeups from the BAES stand at Euronaval:




Also is there a way to resize images such as the ones above so they're not so large?
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Re: BAES Adaptable Strike Frigate concept (Type 32) and BMT Salvas

#4 Post by heuhen »

you have at least one grey line to much in the bow, the grey line above the anchor is correct, but the grey line above that one is not! that is just a line in the camo paint, that differentiate between two shades in the camo.

I think it would look better with a dark grey line marking where the hull ends and superstructure starts, since it is a break between those two.
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Re: BAES Adaptable Strike Frigate concept (Type 32) and BMT Salvas

#5 Post by waterwings »

Ah I see with the dazzle paint, my mistake

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Re: BAES Adaptable Strike Frigate concept (Type 32) and BMT Salvas

#6 Post by Hood »

Good to see you back in action.

A couple of interesting concepts.

On the frigate drawing I would advise replacing the black lines under the bridge wings and foremast angles with dark grey as they are not hard breaks.
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