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Re: Republic of Denton Navy
Posted: March 9th, 2014, 6:18 pm
by ezgo394
Support gun for amphibious assault.
Jason LST has one and it's much smaller.
Re: Republic of Denton Navy
Posted: March 9th, 2014, 6:30 pm
by erik_t
"Support gun". Okay.
Like, NGFS? Why a high-ROF high-velocity small caliber gun, rather than something soft-mounted like a 155mm, or one of those nifty
automatic mortar turrets, or a rocket launcher?
Thinking about the 120mm AMOS, I might rather throw thin-wall 15kg HE bombs at 15rpm than thick-wall 6kg 76mm shells at four times that. Certainly it's been offered for in-shore NGFS, so I'm not the only one that thinks so.
Re: Republic of Denton Navy
Posted: March 9th, 2014, 6:53 pm
by ezgo394
Yes, I did not know that term. 'Naval Gunfire Support'. That is the purpose of that 3" gun on the bow of the LST.
And, honestly, I have no idea.. When I draw ships, I look at my inspiration, and try to make my ship look like that, but still being different enough to not be the exact same ship. The Jason Class LST and the Desoto County class LST were my inspiration for my LST, so I honestly do not know why I chose a high-ROF high-velocity small caliber gun. That's just what was there on my sources.
Re: Republic of Denton Navy
Posted: March 9th, 2014, 7:36 pm
by Thiel
While I can't be sure, I suspect it's primarily intended for air defence on the Jason class. When they were built most nations still relied on iron bombs to perform the brunt of their strike missions and the OTO is fairly good at defending against that threat.
Re: Republic of Denton Navy
Posted: March 9th, 2014, 7:49 pm
by ezgo394
I put the 3" gun there because One, that's what I saw on the Jason class, so I figured it was for support, and two, it only penetrates one deck, which is important. If it penetrated more than one deck, then it would encroach into the front bow ramp.
Re: Republic of Denton Navy
Posted: March 10th, 2014, 5:58 am
by ezgo394
Alright. Go easy on me with this.
Time for the frigates.
There were 24 ships, 16 ASW and 8 AAW, built between 1977 and 1985 by 3 shipyards.
This takes most of it's inspiration from the OHP.
Note: Most everything is roughly placed, and is not in it's final location.
General Specs:
Length: 450ft
Beam: 45ft
Draught Hull: 14ft
Propulsion: 2 Gas Turbines - 1 Var.-Pitch Screw
Range: 4500 miles
Speed: 30kts
So, now time for questions, and again, take it easy on me:
1. What exactly would I have to do to make an AAW or ASW ship? What sensors and weapons outfit? I'm using American systems.
2. Are the 5 inch and the Mk.13 in acceptable locations? I originally wanted to put the Mk.13 in the bow, but figured the gun might be heavier?
That's pretty much what I have. Any and all comments will be greatly appreciated. Positioning, electronics, weapons, anything.
Re: Republic of Denton Navy
Posted: March 10th, 2014, 10:27 am
by Blackbuck
I've got a load of ideas rattling around my head for what I'd do with them but this is what came to mind first.
Ace will more than likely see a resemblance to something.
Re: Republic of Denton Navy
Posted: March 10th, 2014, 11:34 am
by ezgo394
Thank you Blackbuck

I also talked with Eswube and he gave me some helpful tips.
With a few minutes of moving things around I came up with this:
Top is AAW, bottom is ASW.
Also, this is what I came up with for the weapons on the ship:
Shared between ships
5" Gun
2x 30mm CIWS
2x torpedo launchers
Manned weapons
Harpoon (or similar)
AAW specific
Mk.13 GMLS, located forward of helipad
No hangar, small helipad
ASW specific
2 Helo Hangar, Helipad
Thank you!
Re: Republic of Denton Navy
Posted: March 10th, 2014, 12:43 pm
by Thiel
Personally I'd do everything I could to keep the hangar on the AAW version. It's the single most useful feature of the Perrys and the only reason why they're at all relevant these days.
Re: Republic of Denton Navy
Posted: March 10th, 2014, 10:50 pm
by ezgo394
I could easily keep the hangar, no problem. Could I make it work with just a single helo hangar, rather than a double?

Went with a single hangar on the AAW version.
I'm at a loss on where to put the ADIS-II SSM Launcher on the AAW ship (bought from the Hellenic Kingdom).