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Re: British carriers 50-85.

Posted: September 27th, 2011, 5:38 pm
by Thiel
Sure. If you'll post an unresized topview of one. The drawing you're using to draw Triumph will do nicely.

Re: British carriers 50-85.

Posted: September 27th, 2011, 5:51 pm
by Bombhead
There you go mate,you can take them off of this one Iv'e got stashed away for Vikrant.If you can get a better 40 mm single and the 6 barrel job on Centaur would be good too.I'm all for getting the best parts and planes possible.


Re: British carriers 50-85.

Posted: September 27th, 2011, 6:00 pm
by Thiel
That'll do nicely.

Re: British carriers 50-85.

Posted: October 8th, 2011, 4:27 pm
by Bombhead
This is the port side view.


Re: British carriers 50-85.

Posted: October 8th, 2011, 4:37 pm
by Novice
Beautifully done, but I believe you mean starboard-side view?

Re: British carriers 50-85.

Posted: October 8th, 2011, 4:41 pm
by Bombhead
Thanks Novice mate.I drew it directly off of the scan and flipped it cos I can't draw from right to left. ;)

Re: British carriers 50-85.

Posted: October 8th, 2011, 4:52 pm
by Novice
Bombhead wrote:Thanks Novice mate.I drew it directly off of the scan and flipped it cos I can't draw from right to left. ;)
So it is the port side, but as a mirror image?

Re: British carriers 50-85.

Posted: October 8th, 2011, 4:57 pm
by Bombhead
Yeah, ;)

Re: British carriers 50-85.

Posted: October 9th, 2011, 12:55 pm
by Bombhead
The right way around with the port side.


Re: British carriers 50-85.

Posted: October 9th, 2011, 1:27 pm
by Hood
Very nice work. I've a drawing somewhere of when she was part of the Festival of Britain in 1951.