You ask I draw!

Post any drawings you have made that do not pertain to an Alternate Universe scenario and are not a never-built design.

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Re: You ask I draw!

#71 Post by heuhen »

TimothyC wrote:If I might offer a suggestion Heuhen, feel free to use the WIP I did of CGBL as a base. You may want to make it longer to fit everything onboard.
pm the latest version of it to me. and I shall have fun

...and what you think it could have been equipped with. (would love you'r comment on that)
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Re: You ask I draw!

#72 Post by Biancini1995 »

Heuhen there's a change in the plans abort that super cruiser i founded a ship more interesthing than him...What a about a Big Modern Battlecarrier?

I found this on these two videos...
Check: 0:25 and 1:39
Check: 0:22 and 0:42

Image: ... -PS2-_.jpg
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Re: You ask I draw!

#73 Post by heuhen »

That just hideous and the reference on it is to bad for me to work on. And at the moment I have an good idea of an Long Beach replacement... the era of battlecruisers is gone and battleships is gone. The only reason Russians have Kirov is because It's the only one of the few ships in there navy that really can compensation it's age with missile firepower!
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Re: You ask I draw!

#74 Post by Zephyr »

heuhen wrote:Okay Zephyre what do you want... my I suggest you download the drawing and draw you'r ideas on it and post it, then I will go over it.

Didn't really do much to it. Re-added the offset limbo (I like it), put it on the template, added the ships badge, and played "colouring book" with the underwater hull.

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Re: You ask I draw!

#75 Post by Portsmouth Bill »

Offset Limbo is definately kosher; otherwise, now you've switched to the standard 4.5-in twin, why so far forward? You could bring it closer to the bridge and save some hull by shortening the length; that apart, very nice :)
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Re: You ask I draw!

#76 Post by heuhen »

I gave here that extra length of the hull for improved sea capability, but also for better accommodation and future upgrade!

and offset Limbo's is not Kosher there are a couple destroyers that had them mounted offset.
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Re: You ask I draw!

#77 Post by Portsmouth Bill »

Fair do's, but why not bring the gun back a bit to aid seakeeping?
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Re: You ask I draw!

#78 Post by heuhen »

Portsmouth Bill wrote:Fair do's, but why not bring the gun back a bit to aid seakeeping?
that I can always do!

The only thing I need help at is to chose the correct radar setup.
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Re: You ask I draw!

#79 Post by Portsmouth Bill »

No worries cobber :)
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Re: You ask I draw!

#80 Post by Thiel »

I'd bring the Limbos down to deck level. Also, from a metal working perspective I have to say you're looking at a rather expensive ship with all those complex cutouts et al.
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