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Re: Submarine 2

Posted: July 10th, 2021, 7:58 am
by Hood
Impressive drawings and great to see so many smaller users of Soviet kit too.

Re: Submarine 2

Posted: July 10th, 2021, 2:55 pm
by reytuerto
Excellent! Finely drawn submarines, B!

PS: This is the reason because I praise so much the unified SB scale: I always considered Foxtrot submarines almost of the same size or little longer than the Whiskeys. But for first time, I am looking the real difference in size. Learning something new each day! Cheers!

Re: Submarine 2

Posted: July 10th, 2021, 5:13 pm
by eswube
Thanks for appreciation! :)
There will be one Polish never-were submarine entry next week.

On a side note: I'm afraid that Darth Panda's Pr. 877's might be mis-scaled. "Might", because perhaps some variants of this class are 76 meters long (499 pixels), but for what I know, they are usually around 73 meters long, depending on particular model (Polish one is 72,6 meters long). So unfortunately Ultraking101's repaints - while uploaded (at that time I had no reason to question their accuracy, noticed that only after I started Polish Subs project) - perhaps should be treated as "suspect". :(
(Gollevainen's current 877 - in Russian folder in Archive as B-248 - is properly scaled, so any potential "repainters" might want to use this one, or mine, which - leaving aside plan view - is not simple repaint of Gollevainen's one)
(and DP's Pr. 641 looks rather mis-shaped, especially around stern and bow sonars, but that's different matter :( )

Re: Submarine 2

Posted: July 10th, 2021, 5:31 pm
by Gollevainen
Id suggest everyone approaching recoloring of old work with ruler and accurate dimensions at hand. My own pr.877 is also so old, that what ever Ive scaled, ive used Ms paint's percentage scaling instead of's more accurate one.

But great and stunning work, as to be expected! Ill remain to wait what neverwhere stuff you can offer us :D Also, great colors, ill get my color picker ready :roll:

Re: Submarine 2

Posted: July 10th, 2021, 8:16 pm
by eswube
Well, at least for early, baseline Pr. 877 that scaling looked ok. ;)

Percentage scaling in Paint can be good enough, one just has to be prepared to do - bit tedious, I'm afraid - "two stage scaling" - if the first resize can't give the proper size, then base drawing needs to be scaled to, say 97% and calculated again - if it won't give exact expected result, then resize it back to original 100%, and then to 96% and calculate again, if it won't give exact expected result, then resize it back to original 100% and then to 95% and... ;)

I tried to do my best with colours, but I'm afraid some of them are not as 'scientifically' selected as I'd like - some degree of arbitrary choice had to be made. Plus an allowance for scale - something known to modellers: colors "as they should be in 1:1 scale" look very dark when applied to scale model (or drawing) so need to be made bit brighter to look approximately as the real ones would look when looked at from a distance, but that was pretty much random choice. (and in general IMHO such subdued colors make drawings look much better than original 'gaudy' ones - like the old underwater red, for example, or intense blue of portholes/windows).

Re: Submarine 2

Posted: July 12th, 2021, 4:27 am
by Gollevainen
I dont believe myself in absolute colorw, even if they would come from standardised paintsets. Light always plays major role in how colors portray themselves.

Re: Submarine 2

Posted: July 13th, 2021, 11:17 pm
by Ultraking101
Project 633 (Romeo)




North Korea


Re: Submarine 2

Posted: July 17th, 2021, 9:02 am
by eswube
With Yqueleden's kindest permision, drawing of Spain's A-2 Cosme García that was here, has been moved to the Submarines of the Armada Española thread ( viewtopic.php?p=201701#p201701 )

Re: Submarine 2

Posted: September 21st, 2021, 6:44 pm
by darthpanda
France, Q284 Suffren

Re: Submarine 2

Posted: September 21st, 2021, 7:01 pm
by maomatic
Very nice work!
Too bad, that there will be no Austrian version. Would've been interesting to see how they would've fitted the sail at the bottom of the hull.