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Re: Anime ships

Posted: February 5th, 2011, 7:23 pm
by Barham
acelanceloet wrote:Image
first wip of the space battleship yamato
I know, it still looks like nothing, (and I think most of you won't like it anyway) but I couldn't stand that this epic piece of anime history wasn't in this thread.... and ALVAMA's yamato give me the last hint to start :D
Damn...i was gonna Do Yamato, but looks like you beat me to the punch. oh well.

Re: Anime ships

Posted: February 19th, 2011, 9:56 pm
by Barham
Continuing on the SBY thread...

one of three different Battle-carriers seen in the series, this is the Drill-missile ship from General Lysis'/Domel's fleet at the Rainbow Star Cluster in Series 1: the Quest For Iscandar. I will be doing the other two versions later.

Re: Anime ships

Posted: February 20th, 2011, 5:47 am
by Raven
Barham, you may have my baby... seriously though, excellent job. I grew up on star blazers, that and grandpa's USNI Proceedings. Might want to re-post on the non-shipbucket drawings folder though, as they are... well, space alien stuff... ;-)

Re: Anime ships

Posted: February 20th, 2011, 7:16 am
by Obsydian Shade
If you want a challenge, try doing the Battleship Blue, from the anime Blue Drop.

Re: Anime ships

Posted: February 20th, 2011, 8:00 pm
by Barham
Raven wrote:Barham, you may have my baby... seriously though, excellent job. I grew up on star blazers, that and grandpa's USNI Proceedings. Might want to re-post on the non-shipbucket drawings folder though, as they are... well, space alien stuff... ;-)

Not to be rude, but note the category: Anime Ships. and look to the guy doing the Argo/ Yamato. and, if one recalls "The New Voyage", Desslok did take this bad boy into a Sea battle on Iscandar with the Black Nebula Empire.

Re: Anime ships

Posted: February 20th, 2011, 8:04 pm
by acelanceloet
that guy has a name :D
and well, the yamato can still travel on the sea as well, and it does that numerous times in the different tv series. so that is not really an argument for you. the yamato is just an fanproject of mine.
although I agree: as long as you are working in shipbucket scale, and as long as you keep it in this thread (which doesn't makes much sense anyways :D ) I suppose it could stay here, although it is technically a bit off-limit.

Re: Anime ships

Posted: March 21st, 2011, 6:30 am
by coolusername
This is my first post here, probably not the most appropriate place for an introduction but this is an anime ship. Still early WiP.


Re: Winged Heroes

Posted: March 21st, 2011, 7:45 am
by acelanceloet
From what anime, if i may ask? Or is it ytour own design?

Re: Winged Heroes

Posted: March 21st, 2011, 8:31 am
by coolusername
acelanceloet wrote:From what anime, if i may ask? Or is it ytour own design?
SDF Macross, the Daedalus class of submersible assault ships

Re: Anime ships

Posted: March 21st, 2011, 1:58 pm
by acelanceloet
it looks bulkier then I remembered, may I see your ref?