Some Peruvian Navy vessels 1890 - 2020.

Post drawings of ships that actually exist or have existed at some point.

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Re: Some Peruvian Navy vessels 1890 - 2020.

#51 Post by reytuerto »


During WWII a pair of Medium Bay Tugboats were transfered to Peru, but despite being named Tigre and Curaray, the were not delivered. After the end of the war, one of these boats find the way to Peru, but it is not completely clear if this one, is one of the former or another one. In either way, the YTM found in MPG is named Franco (ARB-124). Cheers.
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Re: Some Peruvian Navy vessels 1890 - 2020.

#52 Post by reytuerto »

Good morning, guys.

A former antisubmarine vessel of the PC-461 class, transformed after WWII first in an icebreaker for service in Alaska (the bow was removed until the pilothouse, and that part of the ship still survives in Alaska), and then in a tugboat. Adquired by MGP in the early 1980s and is depicted as she was in 1988 during the rescue of the sunk submarine Pacocha. Dueñas was paid off some years before the Pandemic, and is currently waiting for being scraped. Cheers.


Credits: My first intention was to use the well drawn Superboy´s Sarasin, but I feel remorse to mutilate that drawing ;) . So, as in the conversion to icebreaker the twin screws remain unaltered, I carefully tried to mimic the underwater stern of his ASW boat. Thanks to him!
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Re: Some Peruvian Navy vessels 1890 - 2020.

#53 Post by reytuerto »

MGP had a pair of Auk-class mcm vessels, transfered in the early 1960s, Galvez and Diez Canseco were classified as ASW corvettes (CE or corbeta de escolta), equiped with a Hedgehog launcher in B position, and with some of the minesweeping gear retired or reduced, the wartime four K proyectors and the two stern depth charges racks were unaltered. Also unaltered was the 3 inch dual role gun placed in A position. With twin instead single Bofors guns, but with no 20 mm Oerlikons. Here is depicted Diez Canseco the year prior to the transference of the pair to the Coast Guard. Both corvettes were paid off in the early 1980s and the names used in Friesland-class ASW destroyers. Cheers.

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Re: Some Peruvian Navy vessels 1890 - 2020.

#54 Post by reytuerto »

In 1963 the former attack transport USS Bellatrix was transfered to MGP and named Independencia, with the hull number 21 (later in the mid 1970s, 31; and finally in the late 1980s, 130). Since then and until being paid-off, she was used as the training vessel for the naval cadets. Cheers.

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Re: Some Peruvian Navy vessels 1890 - 2020.

#55 Post by Yqueleden »

An excellent thread. Congratulations on these drawings.

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Re: Some Peruvian Navy vessels 1890 - 2020.

#56 Post by reytuerto »

Thanks a lot for your kind words, Luis!


An important veteran of the fleet, torpedo recovery boat San Lorenzo. Built in Germany in 1981, she follows closelly the lines of similar Bundesmarine vessels, with a stern ramp for the retrieved torpedos. After almost 40 years in service, San Lorenzo was worn out (specially the machinery), so in 2020 she was refited with new diesel engines, new comunication systems and modern navigation aids. Here is seen with a "fished" SUT torpedo. Cheers.
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Re: Some Peruvian Navy vessels 1890 - 2020.

#57 Post by adenandy »

BEAUTIFUL work reytuerto! Can't wait to see more my friend :D
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Re: Some Peruvian Navy vessels 1890 - 2020.

#58 Post by reytuerto »

Thanks for your kind feedback, Andy!

After a long refit, the MGP class IKL Typ 209/1200 Chipana has a slighty different hull shape:
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