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Re: FD scale vehicles 9

Posted: September 7th, 2016, 8:45 pm
by reytuerto
Hi guys.
After a time, I'm posting an old muzzle loaded gun. This is the Armstrong 10 inch, 300 pounder.
Two of this model mount as depicted were in Callao for the 1866 battle against the Spanish Pacific Fleet.
Thanks to Andy (your color ideas for the brick and stone works well). And my apologies to all: yes, this gun hardly can be considered as a vehicle ;) specially in this mount . Cheers.

PS: Some style questions. Two of this guns were modified locally, the mount was called "torre"(tower) but clearly is a barbette mount with iron armoured sides. What must I put in the title? tower or barbette? UK or Peru? Also, how must I show the gun in a side view? Open (showing the recoil slide, as the present gun), or Closed (showing only the external view)? Thanks a lot, I will be very pleased with your answers.

Re: FD scale vehicles 9

Posted: September 7th, 2016, 9:14 pm
by eswube
Great work. Nice to see You back. :)
Re: your questions - IMHO You don't need to add "tower" or "barbette" to the title in the upper right corner. If the drawing is showing the particular gun located in Peru, then it would be rather "Peru, Armstrong..." (if it were to show just a generic view of the gun of this type then it would be Great Britain). And as for the "open/closed", I don't think there is any solid policy about this.

Re: FD scale vehicles 9

Posted: September 13th, 2016, 9:48 am
by Skyder2598
Nice work ;-) For the open/ closed question, I would show them open (more detail) and maybe add a closed version...

Re: FD scale vehicles 9

Posted: September 30th, 2016, 3:22 am
by reytuerto
Good morning.
Probably de most advanced field gun of the ACW, the accurate Whitworth RBL with hexagonal bore.
Two guns part of Hurt's battery (Alabama) fired the last shots to Cemetery Ridge in the masive artillery preparation prior to Pickett's charge. Cheers.

Re: FD scale vehicles 9

Posted: September 30th, 2016, 9:11 pm
by eswube
Nice work!

Re: FD scale vehicles 9

Posted: October 2nd, 2016, 3:23 pm
by reytuerto
Good afternoon, guys.
The useful 9.2 inch british howitzer of 1914, very reliable, but even in range and shell.
Mk I depicted as an australian gun in the Western Front WWI, Mk 2 as an anti-invasion gun in 1940. Also shown "Mother" the prototype of the gun, now in Imperial War Museum. Cheers.

Re: FD scale vehicles 9

Posted: October 3rd, 2016, 7:45 am
by Hood
Very nice work.

Re: FD scale vehicles 9

Posted: October 3rd, 2016, 9:52 pm
by eswube
Nice addition.

Re: FD scale vehicles 9

Posted: October 4th, 2016, 4:01 am
by reytuerto
Thanks Hood and Eswube! Your feedback as veteran artists is as important as the guns depicted here.

The first famous gun from Essen steelworks: Krupp's 1000 pounder 1867 "Monster Gun". This gun won the First Prize at Paris Exposition of that year, and was a mayor surprise for french and british gunmakers. A rifled breech loaded gun, its breech system works better than the breech used by Armstrong's 110 pounder, but the rifling in the english gun was somewhat better. It is depicted over a timber bed (because the original metal base broke the floor). I am not sure about the caliber, but it must be around 14 inches (or 35 cms, which is a much more «german» caliber). Cheers.

Re: FD scale vehicles 9

Posted: October 4th, 2016, 8:31 pm
by eswube
Good work! Keep it up.