CG(X) option two 23,000 ton BMD CGN(X)

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Re: CG(X) option two 23,000 ton BMD CGN(X)

#41 Post by TimothyC »

We have represnetations of AGS Lite in the Below deck parts thread, and your phased arrays look way off. I'd also take a moment to replace the old TACAN drawing with one that is up to date.
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Re: CG(X) option two 23,000 ton BMD CGN(X)

#42 Post by heuhen »

TimothyC wrote:I'd also take a moment to replace the old TACAN drawing with one that is up to date.
On the same sheet you can find the SPY-3 with all it's systems to
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Re: CG(X) option two 23,000 ton BMD CGN(X)

#43 Post by sabotage181 »

heuhen wrote:On the same sheet you can find the SPY-3 with all it's systems to
ok, thanks for that. I didnt even notice this stuff when I downloaded this sheet for my sonor...scheesch.

anyway, I notice the spy-3 and VSR are for the DD(x)1000. from everything I've been reading (Really confusiong and hard to put together. IE; these two radars together are called SPY-4....ieieieieeieieie) The Spy-3 panels were scaled down for DDX, and CGX would have had 21 fit panels....i think....does this sound right? If so what would the VSR panels be scaled up to for CGX??? Help :?:
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Re: CG(X) option two 23,000 ton BMD CGN(X)

#44 Post by heuhen »

sabotage181 wrote:
heuhen wrote:On the same sheet you can find the SPY-3 with all it's systems to
ok, thanks for that. I didnt even notice this stuff when I downloaded this sheet for my sonor...scheesch.

anyway, I notice the spy-3 and VSR are for the DD(x)1000. from everything I've been reading (Really confusiong and hard to put together. IE; these two radars together are called SPY-4....ieieieieeieieie) The Spy-3 panels were scaled down for DDX, and CGX would have had 21 fit panels....i think....does this sound right? If so what would the VSR panels be scaled up to for CGX??? Help :?:

I don't think they would be scaled... but if you wait for erik-T to comment on this... he have some knowledge on this.
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Re: CG(X) option two 23,000 ton BMD CGN(X)

#45 Post by sabotage181 »

ok, I like this. It combines the functionality of the CG(X) with the beauty of a more traditional design.


so can you all tell me, do I lose all satellite domes with this set up? all radio whips? From what I read, VSR can find submarine periscopes so I would imagine its good enough for navigation? so basically sound like I need to lose the mast, or at least all electronic equipment on it?

Thanks for all the help. hope ya'll like my ship

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Re: CG(X) option two 23,000 ton BMD CGN(X)

#46 Post by sabotage181 »

my latest update drawing. I've read a few articles about spy-4 and I garnered that a 21ft panel on the spy-3 antenna is ideal. I figured I definitely have the room and power. It is being scaled down for the flightIII burkes. The 21ft panel would be capable of much better resolution, thus seemingly lending itself much better for the BMD mission. Am I interpreting this information correctly? Am I being realistic with this ship? Are there gross violations with the SB standard?


I have a few questions. I'm trying to figure out the standard for the black waterline marking. I've seen it anywhere from three pixels to seven. Also I'm wondering about hull number standards

Any help, suggestions, criticisms will be greatly appreciated

Thank you all who have helped thus far

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Re: CG(X) option two 23,000 ton BMD CGN(X)

#47 Post by heuhen »

Is' a bit confusing rule:

- 2 black lines, with some distance between them, and a dark grey color between then.
- 1 back line, marking the exact waterline, with some pixels of dark grey line above and under. (I am using this nowadays)
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Re: CG(X) option two 23,000 ton BMD CGN(X)

#48 Post by Demon Lord Razgriz »

Needs the template & crediting. Quite like the look of this too.
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Re: CG(X) option two 23,000 ton BMD CGN(X)

#49 Post by sabotage181 »

Thank you heuhen, I will investigate this and get it correct. Any word on the Hull numbers?

Demon Lord Razgriz wrote:Needs the template & crediting. Quite like the look of this too.
Thank you for the complement, I an going to be doing the template soon.
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Re: CG(X) option two 23,000 ton BMD CGN(X)

#50 Post by Thiel »

CGN 74 would seem to be the obvious choice.
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