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Re: Shipbucket Ranting thread
Posted: March 7th, 2012, 7:16 am
by klagldsf
what is this thread I don't even
Re: Shipbucket Ranting thread
Posted: March 7th, 2012, 9:18 am
by Clonecommander6454
When we are still on the Hull Classification topic, maybe we can referenced to what we had:

And I don't recall we have these in the Archive: ... ASWAEW.png ... Tanker.png
Re: Shipbucket Ranting thread
Posted: March 7th, 2012, 9:34 am
by Gollevainen
Don't use the above system, its obsolete and dates from the pre-mainsite days. We dropped the country coding after we dropped photobucket anyways. Just ship type classification abbrevations and possible years... nothing more. (expecially not Her majesty's ... type of thigns)
Re: Shipbucket Ranting thread
Posted: August 8th, 2012, 4:08 pm
by swin_lad
As theirs a ranting thread I think the following needs to be said

Seems to me Like Davin Cameron, doesn't give a damn about the lads on the ground in Afgan, he's making more cuts and doesn't seem to think that more is needed. We are prepared to leave the Falklands unprotected other than a Battalion, 4 Typhoons and a Frigate/Destroyer. We can only seem to deploy up to 20 Apache at a time and the Westland version is the best in the world. They are prepared to swap a force of 16 Tankers and Transports with 14, and we won't even own them. Then theirs the fact that when we get rid of our Military Search and Rescue for Civilian ones and that leaves us with no Combat Search and Rescue ability for when aircrew are shot down and we would therefore have to rely on our allies to do it for us. We have no Carriers ATM so we can't deploy a mobile fighting force to certain areas of the world. We will end up going to war in Iran soon and they are prepared to cut our frontline forces drastically. They are prepared to have twice as many troops at the Olympics as in the Stan. Their have been cases of lack of body armour for the troops. They can spend millions refurblishing the MOD in London when that could have been spent on more Helicopters. Look at the last time we have a lack of Helo's in the Falklands, it made the war longer. Britain produces the best quality military equipment yet we are prepared to buy foreign. If we bought British we would have better quality and be helping to get our economy out of recession. It is of my honest opinion that all current polititians need to be lined up and shot and replaced with ones from a previous era. They had more common sense when we were at war and did anything to make sure the troops on the ground got what they needed. Therefore I ask you all to support our armed forces and show mass RESPECT for the guys who are prepared to die for us. May they rest in Peace and God bless them.
Re: Shipbucket Ranting thread
Posted: August 8th, 2012, 4:32 pm
by Thiel
swin_lad wrote:We are prepared to leave the Falklands unprotected other than a Battalion, 4 Typhoons and a Frigate/Destroyer.
I'm not qualified to comment on you other points, but that's hardly what I'd call unprotected, especially when seen in light of what the Argies have to pit against it.
Argentina has less than 30 fighters and about 35 ground attack jets, none of which are less than 30 years old and with the exception of the A-4AR Fightinghawks, none of them have seen any significant upgrades since the mid eighties. And none of them have the range to attack the Falkland Islands and get back without tanker assistance, of which they have a grand total of two. In other words, their capacity to strike against the Falklands are worse than they were 30 years ago.
All this means that they'll need to rearm significantly before even thinking about an invasion, and considering how they've been forfeiting their national depts left and right I doubt they have the money to do so, or the international goodwill to borrow them.
Re: Shipbucket Ranting thread
Posted: August 8th, 2012, 5:05 pm
by swin_lad
I was using that as an example that I think needs to be better, I have seen the Falklands reinforcement plans (I need to look into whether or not these are classified) and they don't look very good

It was just example from the whole thing.....
Re: Shipbucket Ranting thread
Posted: August 8th, 2012, 6:20 pm
by Colosseum
Unfortunately these days are over.
Re: Shipbucket Ranting thread
Posted: August 8th, 2012, 6:35 pm
by Thiel
Dud image
Re: Shipbucket Ranting thread
Posted: August 8th, 2012, 11:14 pm
by Ultimo Tiger
swin_lad wrote: It is of my honest opinion that all current polititians need to be lined up and shot and replaced with ones from a previous era. They had more common sense when we were at war and did anything to make sure the troops on the ground got what they needed.
No they didn't. They were almost as useless as the current lot.
Re: Shipbucket Ranting thread
Posted: August 9th, 2012, 3:25 am
by bezobrazov
swin_lad, being a former politician, I find your comment deeply offensive, deranged and disturbing. The very vast majority of politicians are, in fact, hard-working, earnest, decent and honest people with ideals, ideas and compassion, but, unfortunately the, often bizarre and overwhelming media attention skews the picture; distorting it to an unrecognizable degree. Democracy is essentially the art of making the best possible compromises. But if people are going to demand the unconditional surrender of their opponents to pursue a purely ideological policy, then the democracy is in danger. Also, today's forced tempo, does not allow patience and perseverance to rule the behavior of the people. Instead it's Instant, Quick-Mart-like results that are expected;results that a functioning democracy cannot, and should not be able to deliver!
But, yes, it is the privilege for a kid in the Western, industrialized, rich world to deride what other people, such as the brave insurgents in Syria are shedding their blood for!
I, for my part, for all the shortcomings in a representative system, am glad and proud of having been a political activist/politician.