Re: FD Scale Aircraft 5
Posted: July 29th, 2013, 4:45 pm
Funny how even though I updated it to a much better version, all you can notice is a wrong alignment of words on an unfinished project.
So you have updated it or it is unfinished ? You want to show us step by step change for every pixel ?Tounushifan wrote:Funny how even though I updated it to a much better version, all you can notice is a wrong alignment of words on an unfinished project.
Perhaps that's all he can find wrong with it?Tounushifan wrote:Funny how even though I updated it to a much better version, all you can notice is a wrong alignment of words on an unfinished project.
just post them already. if this was the way that group of yours worked, it is not weird you had frequent updates.Tounushifan wrote:Thanks.
I will have labels on them too, there should be four 110s coming at ya. With the Me-163s it was a real head scratcher on where they were and which of two years it was. With the 110 it's much easier to draw real planes and detail where they were.
update! I am going to post an update tomorrow
UPDATE: I have updated my update about the update
tomorrow: sorry, it was a bit more work then I thought. I will post an update about when it is ready
I am not saying you should rush your drawings, just that you should post less rubbish and more drawings. if you cannot increase the second, then you have to correct it with the firstTounushifan wrote:With writing and updating text, that's easy. Rules can be written in a few hours. Basically it's no flaming and no spam, but people like me like to make it complicated.
These drawings are art. Rush them and they end up looking like crap, as you may have noticed with the Kht-188 flop. Like I said before, nitpicks just make it better. But don't get too carried away.