Weaponbucket FD NEW scale (250px = 1 meter)

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Re: Weaponbucket FD NEW scale (250px = 1 meter)

#301 Post by Gollevainen »

7.62x53R is the finnish variation of the ammo, bit narrower in the last dimutive dimenssions
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Re: Weaponbucket FD NEW scale (250px = 1 meter)

#302 Post by Yqueleden »

China Lake grenade launcher


The China Lake grenade launcher has been used by special forces in Vietnam. It seems that only 22 units were built. No official designation was given. The USMC recently evaluated it, but finally chose the Mikor M32.

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Re: Weaponbucket FD NEW scale (250px = 1 meter)

#303 Post by eswube »

Never heard about this one. Nice work.
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Re: Weaponbucket FD NEW scale (250px = 1 meter)

#304 Post by darthpanda »

Japan Postwar service rifles
- Victorian Navy - LINK
- ROC/Taiwan - 中華民國空軍 / 陸軍航特部 / 海軍航空兵 - LINK
- RHKAAF / HKGFS - 皇家香港輔助空軍 / 政府飛行服務隊
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Re: Weaponbucket FD NEW scale (250px = 1 meter)

#305 Post by Gollevainen »

Lahti-Saloranta was the first light machine gun made in Finland designated as Pikakivääri or "quick rifle" in direct translation, where as post war light-machine guns in intermediate rifle cartiges are actually only called as Kevyt konekivääri, "light machinegun"
Of short recoil operation, they werent particulary good weapons, with too strict tolerances to accept any sort of field wear and alledged storage grease proplems made them mailfunction quite often, but Still they remained in the mobilisation inventory untill 1980s, mostly becouse of lack of anything better.


Experimental light machine gun from Aimo Lahti, in gas-piston operation offering superior qualities compared to the Lahti-Saloranta LMG. The Finnish high command however had suspicions over gas operation and wanted a belt-fed GP machine gun, so the design never got adopted, despite in afterthought would have been wery much needed during WWII

L-41 Sampo was First (and sofar only) General purpose Machine gun manufactured in Finland, as Aimo Lahti design for a gas operated weapon that was produced in Small preproduction test run during WWII, and itially shelved becouse of attempt to begun MG-42 production and eventually by the end of the war in 1944. Still quite heavy gun, development was discontinued in the post war era.
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Re: Weaponbucket FD NEW scale (250px = 1 meter)

#306 Post by sebu »

Great work Chief! I've to admit that I'm not great fan of this new WB scale, but especially Lahti L/34 looks good. I wasn't aware of it. :oops:
If only it could be represented in "real scale" Weapon bucket... ;)
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Re: Weaponbucket FD NEW scale (250px = 1 meter)

#307 Post by Gollevainen »

i prefer this much more. the Gunbucket scale is just too large to work with only photo's as references. If there would be overaly linedrawings and plans of weapons to be used, then it would work, but sadly those are really rare. Also the blank presentation of wooden parts is not so strickingly irritating in this scale as it is in gunbucket.
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Re: Weaponbucket FD NEW scale (250px = 1 meter)

#308 Post by eswube »

Well done.
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Re: Weaponbucket FD NEW scale (250px = 1 meter)

#309 Post by Gollevainen »


First set of Rk62 assault rifles, which was the famous Finnish version of Kalashnikov series. After the Preproduction M/58 and M/60 (will descripe them seperately) the first production version featured the three bladed Flash supressor and gradually, as the series went by, the charectaristic tubestock got its true form, and the plastic pistol grip and hand guard evolved. When the night sights were introduced, the original model was redesignated as RK62 PT (päivätähtäimet, "day sights"), and many were retrofitted as "Rk-62" plains, as the new model was begun to be called. During mid 70s untill early 80's Valmet also produced Stamped AKM style reciever, and those guns were known as RK 62 76, but eventually this production was supressed by traditional milled reciever.
During my own conscription in 2004, i had the later model with new pistol grip and Rk 62 76 style forearm.
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Re: Weaponbucket FD NEW scale (250px = 1 meter)

#310 Post by darthpanda »

Russia - APS (underwater assault rifle)
- Victorian Navy - LINK
- ROC/Taiwan - 中華民國空軍 / 陸軍航特部 / 海軍航空兵 - LINK
- RHKAAF / HKGFS - 皇家香港輔助空軍 / 政府飛行服務隊
- Gunbucket - LINK

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