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Re: CVX 3C (Stealthy Monohull)

Posted: January 15th, 2011, 5:36 pm
by Colombamike

Re: CVX 3C (Stealthy Monohull)

Posted: January 15th, 2011, 5:41 pm
by acelanceloet
I will keep the liferafts this way. I have only half the amount of the ford I think, and they are concentrated on an relatively small part of the ship. on the bridge you are right.... maybe I will fix that, same counts for the ospreys.
the openings in the hull have other functions then just mg's, right! what did you think of mooring, or just taking an fresh nose :D
look at the ford..... it has 30 or more holes in it's hull. this one has 7. I think that should be good enough, and not too many.

so, except for the bridge and the osprey, I now call it officialy finished.

Re: CVX 3C (Stealthy Monohull)

Posted: January 15th, 2011, 7:28 pm
by Mitchell van Os
Each ship should have at least 2 times the liferafts of its crew, or even more then that.
On the ship i sail on we got space for 250 till 280 people, with a normal crew of around 130-150...

I quess the us navy has packs of 100 on each liferaft, or even the 125 version.
I count already 104 liferafts on one side.
On the 100 note it is:
10400 people
And on the 125 note is:
13000 people
IF the ship carries 50 people liferaft it is:
5200 people
And if it carries the 25 people version it is:
2600 people

So you can count up, this is one side...

According to my information about USA navy carriers:
Aircraft carriers carry either 254 MK7 life rafts or 127 MK8 life rafts.
The 25-person MK-6 and 50-person MK-7 are used on surface ships, the 50-person MK-8 on aircraft carriers.
The number of life rafts carried on USN ships is determined based on the maximum number of personnel carried aboard plus 10% as a safety margin.

So that means with a 4000 personel carrier it need space for 4400 men on liferafts.

Re: CVX 3C (Stealthy Monohull)

Posted: January 15th, 2011, 7:45 pm
by MihoshiK
acelanceloet wrote:I will keep the liferafts this way. I have only half the amount of the ford I think, and they are concentrated on an relatively small part of the ship. on the bridge you are right.... maybe I will fix that, same counts for the ospreys.
the openings in the hull have other functions then just mg's, right! what did you think of mooring, or just taking an fresh nose :D
look at the ford..... it has 30 or more holes in it's hull. this one has 7. I think that should be good enough, and not too many.

so, except for the bridge and the osprey, I now call it officialy finished.
If you keep those liferafts there, instead of placing em behind panels, like on the LCF, you might as well not make it a stealth carrier... Those things will add horrendously to the radar crossection.

Re: CVX 3C (Stealthy Monohull)

Posted: January 15th, 2011, 7:54 pm
by acelanceloet
hmm you are right about that. but then there is another problem: there is no deck over there where I can place them, let alone place panels over them....
bloody hell, I feel like just leaving them off, as this is not an good place then as well...

Re: CVX 3C (Stealthy Monohull)

Posted: January 15th, 2011, 7:56 pm
by Mitchell van Os
Why not create doors in the hull, with them behind it?
Like below the hangar deck?
You dont need fresh air to have them, you can place them inside the ship behind a door, wich opens easely...

Re: CVX 3C (Stealthy Monohull)

Posted: January 15th, 2011, 7:59 pm
by acelanceloet
that is possible, but to keep the sea out, those doors need to be rather good locked.... and that might hinder it when the ship is sinking. I will take a look at it when I start fixing this ship.

Re: CVX 3C (Stealthy Monohull)

Posted: January 15th, 2011, 8:05 pm
by Thiel
Not really. The point isn't t keep the sea out, but to reduce the radar reflection.
Proper one-way drainage should take care of any water that does get in.
Also, you could move them up to the hangar deck. That would make getting access to them easy and they would be less susceptible to water.

Re: CVX 3C (Stealthy Monohull)

Posted: January 15th, 2011, 8:20 pm
by acelanceloet
can't put them on hangar deck level because of the design of the ship. but ok, will put them just underneath it, thanks (learned something new again :D )

Re: CVX 3C (Stealthy Monohull)

Posted: January 15th, 2011, 8:45 pm
by Mitchell van Os
acelanceloet wrote:that is possible, but to keep the sea out, those doors need to be rather good locked.... and that might hinder it when the ship is sinking. I will take a look at it when I start fixing this ship.
That is BS if you ask me.
You got portholes for MG's at the same height!!
Since when does doors let water come in earlier, then such huge gaping holes? :P