Posted: March 12th, 2013, 7:14 pm
For people like you with such obvious spatial difficulties I specifically created a series of graphics in this very thread to illustrate the weapons arcs available. This was for notational purposes, for you it is apparently a necesity.I really don't understand how placing a weapon at the very front of the ship, so that most of the ship blocks its firing arc, constitutes an improvement. In fact, that's somewhat the exact opposite. You get a clear arc to the front quarter of the ship...and that's it.
On the bow the weapon is only masked for 30 odd degrees directly aft of the vessel. Thats at the horizon, that blockage is reduced to a mere 10 degrees as you approach the mast up to approximately 50 degrees (as it isn't drawn yet).
I would, however, like you to explain where you are getting this "front quarter" from.
1.) Please link me to your ship drawing where you have gone through meticulous effort to locate interor components, drawing them from scratch, inside your hull in order to ensure realistic structure and spacing? To be blunt, I am doing the exact opposite of what you are suggesting and something I am quite confident you have never attempted yourelf.I think the problem is that you're assuming that you just plop a weapons system down somewhere and it's done. You can redesign the superstructure so that it has a clear 75% arc coverage while sitting on top of the bridge, for instance. Look at how most small ships have their CIWS emplacements, for example. Really, I don't get how this isn't intrinsically obvious instead of the mental gymnastics you're doing to justify this.
2.) Again, your spatial instincts seem lacking. In this instance placing the weapon on top of the bridge will place it directly against whatever mast I draw. This isn't going to be a skinny mast either, but rather an integrated one as the ship obviously requires so something with quite a bit of breath. I might, MIGHT be able to cover 120-130 degrees off each side of the bow. A better place if you are doggedly married to superstructure placement would be on top of the hanger bay, as the farther from the higher parts of the superstructure you are the better you arc, but then one of the main threat axis for an escort vessel, directly forward, is denied is primary weapon system.
Then there is that little issue of everything else that has to be located around the bridge on a smallish vessel.
In your case its code for "I am a know it all who is married to convention and can't be bothered to explore anything new because it hurts too much to think."*proceeds to slam head into desk until desk is destroyed*
"thinking outside the box" is often code for "I don't want to be bothered to think, so here it is and accept it"
Again, please point me to your drawing so I can learn from your steller example.