Maxim machineguns in Finnish Service. The M/09 is just plain Imperial Russian M/10 with straigth jacket and with Sokolov mount, but for some obscure and apparently anti-russian reasons (as was the state ideology in White Finland 1918-1945), it was labeled as M/09. later issued with domestic tripod as M/09-21 and followed by Aimo Lahti's alterations to the actuall gun with AA capable tripod as M/32-33, which was actually manufactured in Finland (thought some parts were still recycled from older guns.)
Maxim machineguns in Finnish Service. The M/09 is just plain Imperial Russian M/10 with straigth jacket and with Sokolov mount, but for some obscure and apparently anti-russian reasons (as was the state ideology in White Finland 1918-1945), it was labeled as M/09. later issued with domestic tripod as M/09-21 and followed by Aimo Lahti's alterations to the actuall gun with AA capable tripod as M/32-33, which was actually manufactured in Finland (thought some parts were still recycled from older guns.)
What's the difference between 7,62x54R and the 7,62x53R ? Same ammo but one Russian and one Finn ?
Je pardonne à tous ceux qui m'ont offensé... mais je garde la liste!