Small Ships

Post drawings of ships that actually exist or have existed at some point.

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Re: Small Ships

#271 Post by Hood »

Another very nice addition DP, you are doing great work with these smaller Soviet types.
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Re: Small Ships

#272 Post by darthpanda »

Russia - Pr.199 class
- Victorian Navy - LINK
- ROC/Taiwan - 中華民國空軍 / 陸軍航特部 / 海軍航空兵 - LINK
- RHKAAF / HKGFS - 皇家香港輔助空軍 / 政府飛行服務隊
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Re: Small Ships

#273 Post by Albert1099 »

Nestin Class
A River Minesweeper from 1970's Yugoslavia
Last edited by Albert1099 on August 30th, 2019, 10:14 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Small Ships

#274 Post by eswube »

I hate to say this, but this drawing has just way too much black - double black lines (even whole blotches) and some elements that shouldn't be black in the first place.
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Re: Small Ships

#275 Post by Albert1099 »

eswube wrote: August 28th, 2019, 9:36 pm Albert1099
I hate to say this, but this drawing has just way too much black - double black lines (even whole blotches) and some elements that shouldn't be black in the first place.
Changed it a bit, redid the mast structure and made some details less black.
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Re: Small Ships

#276 Post by eswube »

Ekhem... :(


Btw. I'm somewhat curious about Your sources. I wasn't really looking hard - just typed "Nestin minesweeper" into Google and haven't seen any with PFE hull code, though those I saw (both in Yugoslav/Serbian and in Hungarian service) showed substantial differences to Your drawing.
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Re: Small Ships

#277 Post by acelanceloet » be honest, quite a few of these double black pixel 'errors' are exactly as I would do them. The skeg, the pilothouse and the equipment close to it, the gun very close to the superstructure, the equipment on the bow and the mast all look unavoidable if the lines as they are now actually represent the shape. In other words, 'fixing those errors' would requiring moving the gun mount, reshaping the hull or overstating or understating equipment. There are some parts I would do differently too, yes, the double black pixels on the doors for example are avoidable and should be fixed. But it is not as if all these should be fixed for it to be a good drawing.

EDIT: and also hardly the only way to draw a door. Most if not all of my drawings have the doors styled differently then the example you give here, depending on the shape, size and looks of said doors on the ships.
Last edited by acelanceloet on August 29th, 2019, 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Drawings are credited with J.Scholtens
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Re: Small Ships

#278 Post by RipSteakface »

Albert, nice work man.
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Re: Small Ships

#279 Post by eswube »

I didn't wrote that it's the ONLY way to draw the door. Of course, I'm eager to see how You would draw these particular door of this particular dimensions in fundamentally different manner. And I believe (I just checked, in fact) that You're not drawing them with hinges 3-pixel long and parallel to the door contour (creating 3x2 black spot) and You're not drawing portholes in the doors as 2x2 black spots, aren't You?

See the difference? :P

If that's the source Albert has used: ... nesweeper/
then I would say that this piece of equipment forward of the pilothouse could be easily drawn without creating double black line - simply by drawing that searchlight (?) on 1-pixel-thick support.
Also, I think that this circular part of the guns might be bit too large (and whole appearance of the cannon be rather off - in fact the guns are "outside" of this circle, not inside) - which would also help avoid double black line aft of the superstructure.
Many of the black pixels on the mast equipment could be avoided, sometimes by using different color to depict them (very dark grey etc.) or by modifying their shape.

Here's the photo of the bow of one of Hungarian Nestins - of course it has differences from the one on the source, but there are also similarities (mast!) that make it hard for me to agree with You. ... e82e_b.jpg
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Re: Small Ships

#280 Post by Albert1099 »

eswube wrote: August 29th, 2019, 7:12 pm Ekhem... :(


Btw. I'm somewhat curious about Your sources. I wasn't really looking hard - just typed "Nestin minesweeper" into Google and haven't seen any with PFE hull code, though those I saw (both in Yugoslav/Serbian and in Hungarian service) showed substantial differences to Your drawing.
Thanks for pointing out my mistakes, again, I just started to do more shipbucket, and yes, I did use that blueprint you mention at your response to ace, just decided to remove the hull code due to my drawing being based of a blueprint that had generic numbers as hull code, this one's just a generalization if it was on Yugoslav service. I'll be making Hungarian and Serbian versions soon.
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