Re: FD scale Alternate Universe Designs
Posted: June 24th, 2012, 10:29 am
Now that looks sweet...
Now what we need is a Spacefire.nighthunter wrote:Supermarine Starfire
Damn, but this is good; it ticks all the boxes, being a very feasible design, and I love the Starfire name, a step beyond the Spitfire lineage. Am I right, a trycicle undercarriage?nighthunter wrote:
Aye, a tricycle undercarriage. Thanks for the complement, Bill, it uses a similar design to the Meteor & Me-262 with external engines.Portsmouth Bill wrote:Damn, but this is good; it ticks all the boxes, being a very feasible design, and I love the Starfire name, a step beyond the Spitfire lineage. Am I right, a trycicle undercarriage?nighthunter wrote:
It pretty much have to have it, since the CoG have been shifted quite a bit aft. This begs the question, what's in the nose now that the engine has been removed? Aside from guns and ammo obviously.Portsmouth Bill wrote: Damn, but this is good; it ticks all the boxes, being a very feasible design, and I love the Starfire name, a step beyond the Spitfire lineage. Am I right, a trycicle undercarriage?
Fuel tanks would be tricky since as the fuel gets used you get into CG shift problems. You can shift it around, and planes of this period have had such systems, though.Blackbuck wrote:Counterweights and fuel tanks?