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Re: Planebucket Discussion Thread
Posted: March 5th, 2011, 12:03 pm
by KimWerner
Maybe. I'm not skilled in how to do with combinating links, but on my own pc I've done that with my ship data base. Of course it demand an effort but not much. I reckon it would be some kind of simular doing the links, but naturally I can't be sure
Re: Planebucket Discussion Thread
Posted: March 5th, 2011, 12:10 pm
by acelanceloet
yes, but how many planes you think there are drawn? and how many nations? I think that goes well over 1000 links....
Re: Planebucket Discussion Thread
Posted: March 5th, 2011, 1:54 pm
by KimWerner
acelanceloet wrote:yes, but how many planes you think there are drawn? and how many nations? I think that goes well over 1000 links....
That's the problem! A solution could be to make a thread where links to new planes (and also for ships and vehicles) are placed, and then over time, when you need a plane (or ship etc.) which you find elsewhere then put it in the data base. With so many items it have to been make with passience, but better sooner than later
Re: Planebucket Discussion Thread
Posted: March 5th, 2011, 3:18 pm
by Hood
That's the whole reason we have parts sheets. There have been several aircraft sheets during the life of Shipbucket and most of them reside in the old forum site.
Really the pace of drawing outstrips any parts sheet we can make since its out of date before its even posted!
Also the planebucket thread is purely for posting aircraft drawings when complete, not any kind of "yeah that's cool" type posts. Those should be left to this thread. That way its easier to find what you want without trawling through masses of posts.
As was agreed years ago anyone drawing an aircraft should really be doing blank (either white or shaded grey) and a national aircraft. Why people insists on drawing an aircraft in every single national marking is beyond me. There is no need to, let someone do it if they want it for a particular project. Anyway how many of these have ever been used on a shipbucket drawing except for the carrier-based types and naval helicopters? Learjets and 707s look cool but don't add anything to SB in the SB scale. Maybe folks should be looking to the FD scale for their favourite aircraft?
Myself I paste the new aircraft that attract my fancy onto one of the older plane sheets but its too massive to post here.
Re: Planebucket Discussion Thread
Posted: March 5th, 2011, 4:43 pm
by Thiel
I just have three folders labeled Landbased, Shipbased and Helicopters. With the exception of the harriers and a few other planes it works perfectly well.
Re: Planebucket Discussion Thread
Posted: March 6th, 2011, 2:11 am
by Demon Lord Razgriz
Hood wrote: Anyway how many of these have ever been used on a shipbucket drawing except for the carrier-based types and naval helicopters? Learjets and 707s look cool but don't add anything to SB in the SB scale.
They're done I think for possible use in AUs on those Aircraft Sheets.
Re: Planebucket Discussion Thread
Posted: March 6th, 2011, 10:06 pm
by Thiel
paul_541 wrote:Thiel wrote:Gentlemen, I give you the Canadair CL-84 Dynavert!
Can you doing it with normal colors ?
Thanks and greetings.
The CX-113 (Or was it 131?) is in the works. Thankfully as early V/STOL projects go it's fairly well documented in the public domain.
Oh and when replying to the Planebucket, you should do it here. The planebucket is for aircraft only.
Re: Planebucket Discussion Thread
Posted: March 6th, 2011, 10:37 pm
by TimothyC
Thiel wrote:[
The CX-113 (Or was it 131?) is in the works. Thankfully as early V/STOL projects go it's fairly well documented in the public domain.
Oh and when replying to the Planebucket, you should do it here. The planebucket is for aircraft only.
CX-131. The CH-113 was the Canadian Sea Knight.
I've been thinking about doing the (X)C-142, but I'll send you what I have if you want to get it done.
Re: Planebucket Discussion Thread
Posted: March 6th, 2011, 10:46 pm
by Thiel
I think I'm mostly done with it, but I'd like to have a look at what you have.
Re: Planebucket Discussion Thread
Posted: March 7th, 2011, 4:44 am
by TimothyC
This is just a heads up everyone: I just finished a cursory check of the Airbus drawings with DLR, and it seems that most if not all of them are off by one degree or another.