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Re: Soviet never-built Submarine designs
Posted: April 29th, 2019, 6:16 pm
by darthpanda
Re: Soviet never-built Submarine designs
Posted: April 29th, 2019, 8:24 pm
by eswube
Good work, but I'd have another nit-pick (although they aren't Your fault, but rather sloppy terminology on part of Your sources) : R-1 is Soviet name of the missile (copy of V-2) but 'Scunner' is part of US/NATO name (SS-1 Scunner). More significantly, that V-1 clone was NOT named 'Swallow-10X' - it's proper name was Chelomey 10Kh (letter, which in Russian alphabet looks like latin 'X', in English language is written as 'Kh') and 'Swallow' (Lastochka) was (probably) the code-name of it's naval version.
Btw. if You're looking for sources, I'd like to direct Your attention towards such positions as:
Jürgen Rohwer, Mikhail Monakov, Stalin's Ocean-Going Fleet: Soviet Naval Strategy and Shipbuilding Programs, 1935-1953;
A. N. Gusev, Podvodnye lodki s krylatnymi raketami. Postroennye korabli i nerealizovannye proekty;
A. N. Gusev, Podvodnye lodki spetsialnogo naznacheniya. Postroennye korabli i nerealizovannye proekty;
Yu. V. Apalkov, Podvodnye lodki Sovetskogo Flota 1945-1991 gg. (esp. volumes 1 and 2);
Miroslav Morozov, Konstantin Kulagin, Podvodnye kreisera Stalina. Sovetskiye podlodki tipov P i K;
(If You can't get access to any of these, PM me, I'll try to help - also with help with Russian language, which seems to be an issue here.
Re: Soviet never-built Submarine designs
Posted: November 2nd, 2019, 11:15 am
by darthpanda
Russia - Ushakov LPL flying submarine
Russia - Pr.80 Torpedoboat-submarine
Russia - Pr.1231 design 1
Russia - Pr.1231 design 2
Re: Soviet never-built Submarine designs
Posted: November 3rd, 2019, 11:29 am
by Hood
Great work!
Never seen the second design for Pr.1231 before, that's a nice find as is the little known Project 80.
Re: Soviet never-built Submarine designs
Posted: November 3rd, 2019, 4:16 pm
by erik_t
...Is 1231 a submersible hydrofoil?
Certainly a unique concept. Even as a child, I never had such an active imagination!
Re: Soviet never-built Submarine designs
Posted: November 3rd, 2019, 6:46 pm
by eswube