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Re: Filipino Stealth Corvette

Posted: May 19th, 2015, 1:02 pm
by Rodondo
AlbertVonSuper wrote:Rondondo: Yep I figured I would sacrifice some speed for some stability. Also the Pacific is not know for being calm so I thought that it needed to be rather stable.
Well that should be more than enough then, though compared to my local body of water, the Pacific is a mill pond :)

Re: Filipino Stealth Corvette

Posted: May 19th, 2015, 2:04 pm
by AlbertVonSuper
Rodondo wrote:
AlbertVonSuper wrote:Rondondo: Yep I figured I would sacrifice some speed for some stability. Also the Pacific is not know for being calm so I thought that it needed to be rather stable.
Well that should be more than enough then, though compared to my local body of water, the Pacific is a mill pond :)
I was under the impressions that the Pacific was one of the most violent oceans.

Re: Filipino Stealth Corvette

Posted: May 19th, 2015, 2:21 pm
by heuhen
18 meter are to much, I would go for maximum 11-12 meter. wider than that would just make the ships sea capability worse. even the Norwegian frigates with there 133 meter length and draweling in one of the worse ocean around, the North sea, are only 16.4 meter wide.

Re: Filipino Stealth Corvette

Posted: May 19th, 2015, 3:43 pm
by ezgo394
Pacific is the calmest, Atlantic is very stormy and Indian is the worst. At least, that's how I see it ocean-wise.

Re: Filipino Stealth Corvette

Posted: May 19th, 2015, 4:03 pm
by acelanceloet
note also that there is something as too stable. look at comparable ships and base the relative dimensions on that ;)

Re: Filipino Stealth Corvette

Posted: May 19th, 2015, 5:12 pm
by AlbertVonSuper
Okay I changed the beam to 12 meters. Although this is only a number on a paper so it wasn't really that dificult to change :P

Re: Filipino Stealth Corvette

Posted: June 17th, 2015, 8:39 pm
by AlbertVonSuper
Sorry for being completely gone for so long. Finals and some other personal stuff got in the way but I'm done with finals now so I have plenty of time.

So I spent some time today changing some things. Here's the result.


- I changed the mast to something similar to the Arleigh Burke mast although I'm not sure I like it so I'm open to any suggestions.

- I switched from water jets to screws and as a consequence I redesigned large parts of the underwater hull. I mainly based it on the German Braunschweig class which I had already taken some inspiration from.

Re: Filipino Stealth Corvette

Posted: June 17th, 2015, 9:55 pm
by ezgo394
The freeboard is still very high. I would recommend (and I'm only eyeballing this) having a draught of ~14px, a freeboard of ~36-38px, a structure that goes no more than two levels above the main deck (maybe three if you want a higher bridge).
The stern looks to have too much of a rake aft, so I would recommend something more vertical, maybe with a 2px-1px interval, rather than an almost 45* 1px-1px interval.
Same with the mast, it's raked too far back. For a stealth ship I would recommend something along the lines of an I-Mast to keep the structure clean.
That propeller is out of date. You can find other ships that have better looking propellers, but replacing it is up to you.
Finally, while it's not an issue, it may help to keep any patterns off of the design until you are finished with it, to make it easier to recolor after multiple modifications.

Re: Filipino Stealth Corvette

Posted: June 18th, 2015, 12:09 am
by JSB
Personally I like the Mon May 18, 2015 version more apart from the mast that is an improvement.

I think you need to decide on the specs for your ship (especially speed as they are very different WJ - super fast 40Kn v bulbous bow and screws - 20Kn OPV)
Don't think you need 2 directors (unless they also direct missiles as well as gun ?)

Look at ... by%201.PNG

I agree do fit camo after you are finished would be easier.

Re: Filipino Stealth Corvette

Posted: June 18th, 2015, 11:08 am
by AlbertVonSuper
JSB: I have all the specs for it in a document somewhere but I'm going for around 30 knots so screws should be fine for that and I think you're confusing the MASS softkill with fire control since this doesn't have a dedicated fire control radar.