FD Scale Partsheets (Air)

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Re: FD Scale Partsheets (Air)

#21 Post by eswube »

I was trying to do the sheets in the past for the Archive, but failed in keeping them updated. :oops:

Air to air missiles (by various artists)

Air to ground missiles (by various artists)

Free-fall bombs (by various artists)

Guided bombs (by various artists)

Miscellanous (by various artists)

Torpedoes (by various artists)

Unguided rockets (by various artists)

And the unsorted stuff (much of it can be still seen in the previous posts btw.)
Weapons by Colosseum

Weapons by Demon Lord Razgriz

Weapons by Garlicdesign

Weapons by LittleBird
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Re: FD Scale Partsheets (Air)

#22 Post by Krakatoa »

Nice work in gathering that lot together Eswube
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Re: FD Scale Partsheets (Air)

#23 Post by Kilomuse »

Colosseum wrote:Just post them up! My sheets are messy. We can make it a group project to organize.

IMO, parts sheets don't need to be absurdly organized and perfect. Just as long as the most recent, accurate version is represented.

My suggestion would be to separate the weapons the way you've done it (AAMs, air-to-ground, anti-ship missiles, electronic pods, bombs and rockets, nukes & torpedoes, naval weapons) and then separate the sheets into NATO and Russian where necessary.
Ok, I will try to get them posted during the weekend.
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Re: FD Scale Partsheets (Air)

#24 Post by Skyder2598 »

Great to hear Kilomuse, it's a good idea to tackle this as a group project.

Also a list with some missing weapons/ equipment would be nice... ;-)

Another nice thing to have would be some additional information to the weapons and especially to the electronics since sometimes it's hard to find information about their specific function (e.g. electronic jamming, targeting etc.). A table like template with the name, the origin, the type (short range/ medium range AAM etc.) and some additional information if necessary (e.g. nuke capable) would be nice and tidy.

For the sorting I think your suggestions are fine so far and the details (e.g. store anti ship missiles and torpedoes together or something like that) will come when we organize the templates...

Looking forward to your sheets :)
best regards

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Re: FD Scale Partsheets (Air)

#25 Post by Kilomuse »

Ok, here is a tentative sheet with all the AAMs collected from drawings and the ones I've drawn over the past year. There are still several more AAMs on the drawing board, but this should cover all of the most important weapons. Let's hear some feedback or ideas!

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Re: FD Scale Partsheets (Air)

#26 Post by HyperHiggsHelix »

The Russian flag is upside down, but a good picture nonetheless.
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Re: FD Scale Partsheets (Air)

#27 Post by Colosseum »

No it isn't...

Good stuff. I don't think the highly organized labeling is necessary (if anything it's the usual trap people making parts sheets fall into), but it does look nice. I wouldn't bother with the fancy stuff. Let's just focus on getting the sheets right.
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Re: FD Scale Partsheets (Air)

#28 Post by Gollevainen »

thats looks good and there are bunch of stuff there I'vent seen before
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Re: FD Scale Partsheets (Air)

#29 Post by HyperHiggsHelix »

Colosseum wrote:No it isn't...

Good stuff. I don't think the highly organized labeling is necessary (if anything it's the usual trap people making parts sheets fall into), but it does look nice. I wouldn't bother with the fancy stuff. Let's just focus on getting the sheets right.
It was a ninja edit after I made my post. It was a while ago.
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Re: FD Scale Partsheets (Air)

#30 Post by Hood »

Nice work Kilomouse, quite a few useful missiles on there and some nice historical designs that never made service too.
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