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Re: FD Scale Aircraft 8: The Next Generation Easy Search Thr

Posted: February 21st, 2014, 4:53 pm
by Naixoterk
klagldsf wrote:I like the registration :)

Re: FD Scale Aircraft 8: The Next Generation Easy Search Thr

Posted: February 22nd, 2014, 8:48 am
by odysseus1980
Some WIP of me for the Dassault Mirage IV. How is it?


Re: FD Scale Aircraft 8: The Next Generation Easy Search Thr

Posted: February 22nd, 2014, 9:06 am
by eswube
Looks generally ok, but I'd make some minor changes:
a) I'd "straighten" the refuelling probe (or at least made the upper and lower black contour to "step" in the same place) and I'd say that these tiny vertical "wings" at the base of probe have bitt odd shape right now,
b) (most important to me ;) ) on the canopies there are places where "double black lines" appear - I'd modify the lines in such way that it wouldn't happen,
c) lower Mirage has rather "empty" upper surfaces of wings - I'd try to add some panel lines etc.
d) I'd make the wing-fuselage blending more pronounced - now it's in the same grey shade as any other panel line - I'd make the line darker and add shading)
e) on the Mirage IVA I'd add shad made by the wing on the fuel tank (are You sure, btw. that tank's diameter was larger in the rear than in front, as it looks so now?)
f) below the exhaust there is some "thing" below the fuselage - it makes double black line.

Re: FD Scale Aircraft 8: The Next Generation Easy Search Thr

Posted: February 22nd, 2014, 9:35 am
by odysseus1980
The fuel tanks in Mirage IV were not parallel with the wings and can be retained at supersonic speeds. Edited.

Re: FD Scale Aircraft 8: The Next Generation Easy Search Thr

Posted: February 22nd, 2014, 9:45 am
by Naixoterk
Ok, majhost is down, but that's not excuse to upload these drawings to another host.

Ansaldo A.1 Balilla:







Soviet Russia, Russian Red Army



See here: ... &start=170


I drawed it but it was already claimed by odysseus1980 so i didn't upload it.

Re: FD Scale Aircraft 8: The Next Generation Easy Search Thr

Posted: February 22nd, 2014, 10:03 am
by eswube
I'd also edit the pilot's side window (which now "touches" the black contour like if there was no canopy frame there. ;)
I know that fuel tanks weren't parallel, I meant that it's "thicker" near the end than near the front.

Good job! :)

Re: FD Scale Aircraft 8: The Next Generation Easy Search Thr

Posted: February 23rd, 2014, 3:21 pm
by Naixoterk
Italy Savoia Marchetti SM.91 (AKA, the Italian copy of the P-38)



Special thanks, again, to Eswube for clearing out many doubts i had.

Re: FD Scale Aircraft 8: The Next Generation Easy Search Thr

Posted: February 23rd, 2014, 7:11 pm
by darthpanda
Boeing X-37B - USA

Re: FD Scale Aircraft 8: The Next Generation Easy Search Thr

Posted: February 23rd, 2014, 8:18 pm
by Radome
Sweet! any plans on doing the North American X-15?
or i should try doing it? :)

Re: FD Scale Aircraft 8: The Next Generation Easy Search Thr

Posted: February 23rd, 2014, 10:02 pm
by Garlicdesign
Hello again!

Aerospatiale SA.321 Super Frelon


Have to use imageshack for the time being, but that site is still changing image names, for whatever silly reasons.
