Re: EXTERMINATE! (The annihilation of #Shipbucket IRC chan
Posted: November 30th, 2010, 5:59 am
IRC's a handy way to talk quickly, etc.
Official Forum
IRC is incredibly simple. Your 'clients' range from mIRC, a down loadable client for windows that is often considered to set the standard for IRC clients, to Mibbit, a free and online IRC client which I personally use.Portsmouth Bill wrote:It looks as though I'm going to have to learn how to use this 'thingy'Any pointers?
I can live with that, maybe eventaully we will earn your respect enough to be linked back again.Gollevainen wrote:The IRC channel is not "official" shipbucket channel, but just something created by our members.
Naturally. And it is not the channel itself, but the conduct there that have bugged me a bit. People hardly understand that the transistion of the Website and the forum is basicly a private business act between me and Colloseum, so harrashing that brougth unnesericall stress to allready stressed situation.can live with that, maybe eventaully we will earn your respect enough to be linked back again.