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Re: Dracan Commonwealth AU
Posted: December 10th, 2010, 2:02 pm
by MihoshiK
TimothyC wrote:OHPs can't take a VLS array where you put one on the New Paisley Class Destroyer.
Eh? Maybe not a huge one, but there's room for a VLS allright. I mean, the MK-13 sits there in an ordinary OHP, that thing takes up quite a bit of space as well.
Re: Dracan Commonwealth AU
Posted: December 10th, 2010, 2:19 pm
by TimothyC
MihoshiK wrote:TimothyC wrote:OHPs can't take a VLS array where you put one on the New Paisley Class Destroyer.
Eh? Maybe not a huge one, but there's room for a VLS allright. I mean, the MK-13 sits there in an ordinary OHP, that thing takes up quite a bit of space as well.
Nope. Not even the
8 cell Tactical length Mk-41 VLS fits in the volume that is used by the
Mk-13. You're cutting a larger hole in the deck if you try and place Strike Length VLS cells there.
Re: Dracan Commonwealth AU
Posted: December 10th, 2010, 2:26 pm
by acelanceloet
there could be an VLS placed a bit more to the front though. I thought the Turkish navy did that... and the Australians of course. ... 120425.jpg
Re: Dracan Commonwealth AU
Posted: December 10th, 2010, 2:38 pm
by TimothyC
Yes, but you get a single self defense length pack, and look at how far above the deck it goes.
Re: Dracan Commonwealth AU
Posted: December 10th, 2010, 6:17 pm
by nighthunter
It's a rather simple solution really, the OHP New Paisleys were built a bit differently, if you'll all note, the bow is quite different from a standard or even a foreign OHP, thus allowing for changes in quite a bit of area. Originally the New Paisleys mounted a 120mm up front, cause, honestly, I hate Missile based ships, I like guns over missiles, but I saw the flaws in doing that, and adjusted appropriately.
Tim, I do appreciate the real world look you put into the forums, thank you. I had planned for someone making your argument.
Okay so the New Paisleys have been discussed, what about the other Vessels I posted?
Re: Dracan Commonwealth AU
Posted: December 10th, 2010, 7:23 pm
by TimothyC
nighthunter wrote:It's a rather simple solution really, the OHP New Paisleys were built a bit differently, if you'll all note, the bow is quite different from a standard or even a foreign OHP, thus allowing for changes in quite a bit of area. Originally the New Paisleys mounted a 120mm up front, cause, honestly, I hate Missile based ships, I like guns over missiles, but I saw the flaws in doing that, and adjusted appropriately.
Tim, I do appreciate the real world look you put into the forums, thank you. I had planned for someone making your argument.
Okay so the New Paisleys have been discussed, what about the other Vessels I posted?
Ah ok that makes a lot of sense now.
I might have gone with a 3D radar instead of the SPY-1 / SPS-49 combo on the customs frigate just to keep costs down, but I like the overall look of the design.
On the Ministry Class Destroyer you have both the old SPQ-9A dome on the mast and the new SPQ-9B solid state radar forward of the aft gun. You really should just have the latter. I'd also replace the SPQ-9A you have on the New Paisley Class and the WM-25/Mk-92 FCS you have have on Caliburn for the SPQ-9B
On New Eire you have the old Mk-32 TTs, swap them out for the ones on the USN parts sheet.
Maybe some more commo gear on all of them wouldn't hurt.
Re: Dracan Commonwealth AU
Posted: December 10th, 2010, 11:26 pm
by nighthunter
Okay, the ships are getting fixed. But as we wait let me regale you with the story behind the sinking of the Japanese whaler. DCS Excalibur FFG-113, was on a routine patrol inside DC Territorial waters when an unidentified ship showed up on their radar. As she closed for visual ID they noticed that it was in heavy persuit of a Fin whale, an endangered species, and protected in Dracan waters. The Captain radioed the Japanese whaler named Fukyu Maru, and recieved no reply. One of the lookouts spotted a Fin whale carcass on the deck of the whaler, at which point the Captain ordered a shot across the bow of the whaler. The Fukyu Maru then hove to, and the Excalibur's crew threw them lines as a Japanese Translator told them they were being impounded by Dracan Law. As the Excalibur started towing them into port, the Fukyu Maru's crew cut the tow lines and made a run for it. The Captain of the Excalibur ordered another warning shot across the bow, but the Fukyu Maru kept steaming, so the the Captain had the Excalibur open fire on the Fukyu Maru's engine room to stop the vessel, the 76mm gun fired 3 rounds, right into the engine room at the waterline. The Fukyu Maru's engine room was destroyed and she started taking on water, the Captain of the Excalibur ordered the Zodiacs into the water to pick up survivors as the Fukyu went down. Only 2 men in the Fukyu's engine room were killed. The Story made headlines as the Japanese Government threw a fit. The rest of the world an the UN verified through Camera footage that the Excalibur's captain and crew were in the right.
Re: Dracan Commonwealth AU
Posted: December 11th, 2010, 4:38 am
by nighthunter
Re: Dracan Commonwealth AU
Posted: February 11th, 2011, 12:42 am
by nighthunter
Nothing to update as of yet, having internet problems where I live, not to mention other RL issues.
Re: Dracan Commonwealth AU
Posted: May 20th, 2011, 1:15 am
by nighthunter
Anyway I am back and working out Cold War Issues with Pallamara as an Ally against a Very Communist Indonesia.