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Re: NAF Triden-Class Battleship

Posted: March 12th, 2012, 4:46 am
by Colosseum
Futurewar, I don't think the guns could reasonably be that long. It just doesn't make sense.

If I were you I'd consult some of the drawings available in the archive for a way to tone this ship down and get it within reasonable limits - I'd start by going over to a 2-1 turret configuration to begin with. As it stands this ship is just impossibly big.

That said, if you're going for something that's totally implausible, I think this ship would be well-suited for the "LSBBT" - the Landing Battleship, Tank. Add some treads on the bottom of the hull and some bow doors and this ship can then drive up onto the beach and disembark an entire battalion of troops with supporting armor. It can then wheel itself back into the surf, retract the treads and sail back to the troop ships to pick up more assaulting infantry.

While you're at it, I think it could benefit from some similarly-modified midget submarines, which could be deployed before the initial assault to recon the beach head. Equip them with a VHF radio and they can call in the enemy disposition at will.


Re: NAF Triden-Class Battleship

Posted: March 12th, 2012, 5:07 am
by furturewar
Those last two paragraphs were sarcasm, right?
I don't mean to argue, but Impracticality is my thing, it's just what interests me, I've always though "Bigger is better" In some cases it's true, but sometimes it isn't, its just my opinion.
Anyways, first point of mine is that the LRAM Barrel at it's thinest is the size of the Yamato's 18.1 Inch. This cannon is a 14 inch. I don't think I have to worry about the barrel sagging at all.
If that isn't the reason, Might I ask why you think the barrel can't be that long? My estimation that the Barrel + Turret is around 103 ft in length. Now, I may be comparing apples and Oranges here, but the Schwerer Gustav's barrel is about 106 inches. Now I fully understand that the Barrel Diameters are not same, but it's just an example to show that this isn't the MOST outrageous-sized barrel.

Sorry if I sound pissy, but I can be stubborn about these things, It's just how I build things.

Re: NAF Triden-Class Battleship

Posted: March 12th, 2012, 5:24 am
by Colosseum
Yes they are obviously sarcasm -- for a design this silly adding treads and a large marine complement complete with armored vehicles doesn't sound too far off. All it needs now is a Harrier squadron and some ICBM launchers.

That said I think it's cool that you're drawing and am not trying to troll you off the board or anything but at this point I can't really offer any advice other than to view real battleships and go from there.

Re: NAF Triden-Class Battleship

Posted: March 12th, 2012, 8:29 am
by Rodondo
All I can say is that your going to be replacing barrels very regularly with the blast effect directly above it. and why do you have what looks like suppressors on the end of the barrels? The blast is going to be simply monstrous compared to them, they wouldn't stand up to the punishment, your free board is going to have to be increased considerably and I don't see why you don't remove 2 turrets and go with 16" instead

Re: NAF Triden-Class Battleship

Posted: March 12th, 2012, 1:57 pm
by furturewar
Those are not Suppressors, those are Compensators. Similar to how they work on Big Sniper Rifles like the Barrett M82, whereas it redirects the excess gas and escapes backwards, reducing overall recoil.

Re: NAF Triden-Class Battleship

Posted: March 12th, 2012, 2:58 pm
by Thiel
Those doesn't really work at this scale.

Re: NAF Triden-Class Battleship

Posted: March 12th, 2012, 3:32 pm
by Colosseum
I don't believe "compensators" really have an application at this level... if they did I think you'd see them on equivalent designs. ;)

What a lot of people don't seem to understand is that naval guns and large artillery pieces are a completely different animal than small arms. They just work in different ways. Saying that a compensator works on a Barrett anti-materiel rifle really has no bearing on a naval gun.

Re: NAF Triden-Class Battleship

Posted: March 12th, 2012, 7:22 pm
by erik_t
Implausible main battery aside, your stern is immensely strange and weak. Huge cutouts in the side shell are a bad idea. The main battery director layout makes little sense, nor does the arrangement of the secondary/tertiary battery (mock up a simple top view and tell me how those 8" turrets fit there!!).

Re: NAF Triden-Class Battleship

Posted: March 12th, 2012, 7:30 pm
by acelanceloet
and I would say you lack freeboard for this length, and looking at the draft also beam. to get it working? remove some turrets and shorter the ship
on a quick note here: heuhen always works at the very edge of ship design. he has the skill to pull it off most of the time, but when you start enlarging his ships, especially without the knowledge of the design or designs of the same time era, you thread very dangerous grounds, on the edge of what is seen as stupidity. that's my opinion at least.

Re: NAF Triden-Class Battleship

Posted: March 12th, 2012, 9:18 pm
by heuhen
yeah, my design was already on the limit of what is/was possible. when you don't think money!