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Re: CoA parts sheet for the fleets of USA

Posted: March 7th, 2012, 4:18 pm
by KimWerner
Clonecommander6454 wrote: The color of the CoA somehow feel weird to me... Did you work it out from this image:
Anyways, this is way better that the half done product that I have drew ;)
Yes, though I've taken it from the US Department of Defences homepage. That's also the reason I've change the frame colour. I've seen USS seals in different blue - also for the same vessel - so I think it might be smart to hold it in the same official blue as the navy ;)

Re: CoA parts sheet for the fleets of USA

Posted: March 7th, 2012, 4:51 pm
by acelanceloet
KimWerner wrote:I've coorperated with Clonecommander6454 with this first seal for an Oliver H. Perry frigate and finally it's done :D
awesome. I will include it in the final version of the FFG-60. any plans for the FFG-7 COA? and I should credit both of you, right?

Re: CoA parts sheet for the fleets of USA

Posted: March 7th, 2012, 7:31 pm
by KimWerner
acelanceloet wrote:awesome. I will include it in the final version of the FFG-60. any plans for the FFG-7 COA? and I should credit both of you, right?
Thanks :D Right now I haven't the FFG-7 CoA on the list but that could be changed. First I will call for someone else to take it ;) You can look at page 1 about credits, but you're right (sorry for the long credit) ;)

Re: CoA parts sheet for the fleets of USA

Posted: March 8th, 2012, 5:48 am
by Clonecommander6454
KimWerner wrote:Thanks :D Right now I haven't the FFG-7 CoA on the list but that could be changed. First I will call for someone else to take it ;) You can look at page 1 about credits, but you're right (sorry for the long credit) ;)
Can I draw the Coat of Arms for USS Stark? I can't find any sources of the CoA for USS Oliver H. Perry anyways ;)

Re: CoA parts sheet for the fleets of USA

Posted: March 8th, 2012, 4:31 pm
by KimWerner
Yes, it's hard to find a decent picture of OHP's CoA. Here is two embroidered
I haven't found other than these two. The text in the golden schroll is: "GALANT LEADER".

Re: CoA parts sheet for the fleets of USA

Posted: March 11th, 2012, 6:53 pm
by KimWerner
I couldn't resist the challenge to make a proper seal out of poor source material, so I did the seal for USS OHP. Hope you like it. You can see the known available sources above ;)

Re: CoA parts sheet for the fleets of USA

Posted: August 9th, 2012, 2:55 pm
by KimWerner
Two seals for two carriers (USS Langley CV-1 and USS Wasp CV-7)
Notice that the seal for USS Wasp is only for the CV-7. The two others have their own seal ;)

Re: CoA parts sheet for the fleets of USA

Posted: October 6th, 2012, 10:46 pm
by KimWerner
I've done some seals for Bezobrazov's CLG series. Common for the vessels are that they all where former Cleveland CL Class (though USS Galveston never reach to be commisioned as that!). For those who wonders why USS Little Rock have two seals, the explanation is simply that she changed to a new seal July 31th 1967. :D

Re: CoA parts sheet for the fleets of USA

Posted: January 19th, 2014, 11:42 pm
by KimWerner
This thread has been asleep for more than a year :shock: I'm blowing a little life in it with these two seals for the Currituck class seaplane tenders USS Currituck and USS Norton Sound (as experimental platform vessel!) :D I know Radome is working with both of these vessels :D

Re: CoA parts sheet for the fleets of USA

Posted: January 20th, 2014, 12:07 am
by Radome
Those just look awesome! Thank you! :D