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Re: The Gold Funnel Fleet, Victoria's Colonial Navy

Posted: April 5th, 2012, 5:57 am
by Thiel
Adm Emett wrote:I want to see flags and Maps too
You do know it isn't an AU?

Re: The Gold Funnel Fleet, Victoria's Colonial Navy

Posted: April 5th, 2012, 8:13 am
by Rodondo
I don't think he does but a map couldn't have actually gone astray and I'm kind of glad he mentioned it

Re: The Gold Funnel Fleet, Victoria's Colonial Navy

Posted: June 25th, 2012, 12:21 pm
by Rodondo

Finally completed the bulk of the hull, unfortunately as the more eagle eyed of us will spot, I'm missing the rigging and prow which I have no references for them at all,

Re: The Gold Funnel Fleet, Victoria's Colonial Navy

Posted: June 25th, 2012, 3:33 pm
by acelanceloet
very nice already!
and this raises the question: in cases like this, were there is no accurate source known for the rigging, what is better: draw it up with the help of paintings and references of ships that are alike it, or keep it off? I have a few refs on my pc on which I have not started exactly because of this, soo......

Re: The Gold Funnel Fleet, Victoria's Colonial Navy

Posted: June 25th, 2012, 6:24 pm
by Bombhead
Brilliant Rodondo.This might help,it's off of Victory but I should think there would not be too much different and at this scale hardly any at all.


Re: The Gold Funnel Fleet, Victoria's Colonial Navy

Posted: June 25th, 2012, 8:09 pm
by bezobrazov
Ace, there are accurate drawings of the Nelson-class's rigging, so that's not a problem. I have very good sources on this class and other post-Trafalgar classes. However, due to us moving out to the country, we've effectively reduced ourselves to become genuine rednecks with no internet currently. But Rodondo, if you can wait, I think I can find the book and scan the necessary info for you as soon as we're hooked up again. I believe I also have the figurehead drawing.

Re: The Gold Funnel Fleet, Victoria's Colonial Navy

Posted: June 25th, 2012, 8:50 pm
by acelanceloet
I meant it more as an general question, as the original construction plans of ships of this age often did not have the rigging, as those 'just had to have the dimensions as normal on ships like these'. these dimensions were given from father on son, from teacher to student etc, as you know as well. glad to know that at least this ship will have an accurate rigging, though, evne if it might take some time (hell, it took me 3 months to only draw the irene, and I had every plan that existed of her :P no, I don't expect this project to be done next week haha)

Re: The Gold Funnel Fleet, Victoria's Colonial Navy

Posted: June 25th, 2012, 9:07 pm
by bezobrazov
You're right about that aspect, my dear ace, about the inherent professional secrecy exercised between individuals of the age, just look at the Petts: at least five generations followed in the same footsteps. However, the Establishment of 1715, Detailed the various dimensions of the mast trunks, spars, canvas spread etc for all six classes, thereby emulating the French Ordinance of 1669, which was the first regulatory decree pertaining shipbuilding and the responsibilities of the ships' wrights. By 1800 this had been further formalized, so the rigging of this class is a very easy one to draw in that respect.

Re: The Gold Funnel Fleet, Victoria's Colonial Navy

Posted: June 25th, 2012, 9:27 pm
by acelanceloet
not for the dutch :P in 1811, the year of the irene's commissioning in the netherlands navy, there was not even an drawing of every class (it just became common) and the sailplans were non-existent. the only reason I could draw the irene like this, was that of exactly that ship, the research was already done and bundled in an book that I own.
and, being one that often drew sailing ships in different styles and of different ages, I can say that rigging will never be easy :P

Re: The Gold Funnel Fleet, Victoria's Colonial Navy

Posted: June 25th, 2012, 11:26 pm
by bezobrazov
Hehe...i know that story. Unfortunately the Dutch Republic, with its 7 admiralties never achieved cohesion in that respect. They even used their local measurements, such as an Amsterdam foot, Rotterdam foot etc. That's, besides the economic decline that the Republic suffered during the 18th c., a major reason why the once celebrated Dutch shipbuilding art fell into an abyss of less and less competitive designs; so much that in the end they had to employ British shipwrights! As for the easiness of drawing a rigging, I was referring to the availability of concise plans etc. Trust me, I've been drawing ships-of-the-line myself, so I'm well acquainted with the complexity of it!